Because so few people were engaged in the process, some truly radical and extremist people have managed to game the voting systems in these blue states and get elected to office.

Maybe you didn't realize how important it was who becomes your mayor or governor.
The thing is, you NOW understand how important it is to get involved. You can't sit on your ass and say "I don't get involved in politics, it doesn't really affect me all that much."


That's **exactly** what they want.
"Why bother to vote, the system is rigged anyway."

That's called "Loserthink". That's telling yourself you are POWERLESS and so you give yourself an excuse to stay passive.

Only **active** people can save themselves & change their situation.
You only have 2 options if you live in one of these blue states & cities where ideological lunatics in charge are keeping you locked down, defunding the police & letting rioters run amok.

You can leave or you can GET INVOLVED.

Sitting on your ass is not an option.

Pick one.
And I don't mean just voting in this upcoming election. The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.

Yeah OK, a whole bunch of people weren't paying attention or were tricked into voting lunatics into office. Now what?

It hurts to hear that Trump is not coming to save you and take away the governor or the mayor's authority and declare martial law.

He will only come in when he is ***INVITED IN***.

So these mayors & governors insist he stay away while they blame him for all of this.
And I know not everybody in these blue cities voted for these lunatic mayors.

But it is what it is. There's one one way to legally get rid of them and put somebody better into that office.

So if you're not moving? Work your ass off to find better candidates & support them.
It's hard message to hear but it's the truth. Nobody's coming to save these blue cities. The cities have to rise up and SAVE THEMSELVES.

Those of us in the red states can help, but the heavy lifting starts at home.

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