▫️Do you wanna get more followers?
▫️Are you tired of recycling the same content?
▫️Do you wanna be different?
▫️Do you want to be heard?

Here are 8 ideas to differentiate yourself on Twitter.

I bet you've seen already about 50% of the content that will cross your Twitter feed today.

This creates information overload and people quickly become blind to this content and stop caring.

You want to stand up, be different, and create your own style. Here are some ideas:

1⃣ Focus on counter-intuitive ideas.

Let others post about things that are obvious and intuitive. Instead, tell me about ideas that go against my assumptions.

Tell me why this makes sense to you and why should I care.

Show me you are original.

2⃣ Share the real problems that you are facing.

People love to hear about real-life scenarios where other developers solve real problems.

I've seen that almost nobody posts about the real technical challenges they are facing.

There's a huge opportunity here. Use it.

3⃣ Share your take on what you are reading.

Take a screenshot and post it together with your personal perspective.

If it's an API and you think there may be a better way, say so.

If it's a tutorial, share your point of view and what you think about it.

4⃣ Question the status quo.

▫️Tell me what's wrong with Design Patterns
▫️Tell me how TDD fails
▫️Tell me why you think that comments suck
▫️Tell me why you don't use for-loops

Think about "the other side". There's absolutely nothing absolute (see what I did there?)

5⃣ Talk about your solution, not the code.

Instead of focusing on the code, take it one level higher and tell me about the problem you are solving and the design of your solution.

What are the components? How do they interact with each other? Why do you think this works?

6⃣ Re-purpose discussions you have with others.

Comment on topics that interest you. Start a conversation with others and summarize the conclusions on your own tweet.

This produces incredible fresh and original content that will keep your followers engaged.

7⃣ Don't just mention the things that don't work.

Every time you mention something that failed, it's an opportunity to discuss a solution that works.

Don't just say that the interview didn't work out for you. Tell me what went wrong, and what can I do differently.

8⃣ Package your message in a different way.

The way you deliver your content is as important as the content itself.

Look around, and you'll probably recognize the style of a few.

Find yours and be consistent with it. Your followers will get used to it and will love it.

Experiment with some of these and see what comes out of it. Some of these may work for you, some may not.

I promise that small tweaks in your content make a huge impact.
You can follow @svpino.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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