I try not to get all soapboxy with my posts, but I've been noticing a trend lately that's starting to really bother me. It seems like there's more and more attempts at public shaming going on. Whether it's calling people out and rousing up a pack mentality to gang up on them, 1/5
or, posting pictures of videos of people, like the recent video of the anti-masker at the Fabricland.

While I don't agree with her stance on not wearing masks, she left the store after her tirade, and it was over. 2/5
I've seen someone has found this anti-maskers FB account and has posted pictures of her's and made some jokes about her. I don't think there's a need to hunt her down and post her real name and make fun of her. 3/5
To me this is bullying. No matter how you feel about her and her beliefs, publically ridculing her is not right. This is someones wife, maybe mother, daughter and friend. While the majority of us don't agree with her stance, there's no need for this ridicule. 4/5
...soapboxy off... I'll go back to posting funny gifs, and pictures of my coffee mug, beer and bbq now. 5/5
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