1) True across every group is that when you are told you are disadvantaged, you believe it. I know I did, as a girl then a woman.

Conservatives tend to avoid feeling like a victim. Not everyone, but most of the conservatives I've ever met.

#WalkAway https://twitter.com/TX_WalkerRanger/status/1306045288478633984
(2) The identity politics of the left (including feminism) relies on the belief that some immutable characteristic is always the reason why bad things happen to you.

After switching from liberal to conservative in 2016, I discovered many interesting things about the world...
(3) I realized, in my 40s, that I had been doing life wrong, based on the liberal family and community I grew up in.

I'm now primarily known for my eternal optimism and positivity. Some folk even get annoyed by it, lol.
(4) I think a compelling case can be made for the proposition that men, not women, are at a disadvantage in many spheres of life, thanks to the going-too-far changes brought about by liberal identity politics.

I'm glad to be a woman.
(5) Raised to be a feminist, I didn't know the inherent value of certain aspects of femininity, or masculinity for that matter.

Life just keeps getting better. All around me I see conservatives who feel the same way, despite real challenges. Adversity makes you stronger.
(6) I'm thankful that during my life I got to see life as it is, not how political manipulators want me to see it. I now (hopefully) have many years left to appreciate the good things, instead of buying into a self destructive narrative.

Not a sheep, or a wolf. A sheepdog.
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