understanding: CAPRICORN MOONS 🐐🤍✨
i. introduction to capricorn moons 🌛

hi everyone. i’m back again with a moon sign thread. tonight i’ll be focusing on capricorn moons. i’ve seen some tweets about capricorn moons and i just wanted to share my insight. capricorn moons really have it hard out here.
again i’m putting all of my knowledge & energy into this analysis. i’m going to tweet as much as i can. thank you for reading & let me know if this helps you in any way💗✨
ii. baby capricorn moon 👼🏾
in astrology, the moon represents the mother and childhood. in astrology, capricorn is known for being mature, responsible, ambitious, self disciplined, pessimistic, and guarded. if we look at the moon being in capricorn, we learn about their mom.
while growing up, baby capricorn & their mom did not have the best relationship. there was something lacking. most of the time, it was emotional support and care. baby capricorn moon’s mother was always up to something that prevented her from being there for baby capricorn moon.
baby capricorn moon’s mother was a hard worker or at least very demanding/harsh with what she wanted. baby capricorn moon’s mother did not have the best life and because of this, she projected this type of pessimistic attitude onto baby capricorn moon.
baby capricorn moon did not understand the concept of taking breaks or allowing herself to feel things properly or at least expressing them in a healthy way. she came off as harsh and honest without caring who she hurt. when it came to her child, she’d disguise her harshness-
as trying to prepare her child or making them having to face harsh reality from a very early age. she could be so stressed that she would project it onto her child. she would work and sometimes it got in the way of emotionally supporting her child. she would push-
herself beyond her limits and then place her frustration on baby capricorn moon. she did not allow baby capricorn moon to really see the bright side of things or see the good things in life entirely. she would always plan for the things to come and forget to appreciate the “now”
the mother was very goal oriented and forced her child to be the same. she always expected the worse and wanted her child to understand bad things could happen at any moment. “don’t get your hopes up.” she would rather take the hard way instead of the easier way.
the mother would make baby capricorn feel guilty for wanting to have fun or taking breaks. she didn’t allow baby capricorn moon to experience what other kids did. she knew how to make baby capricorn moon feel bad for her and used guilt to manipulate baby capricorn moon.
baby capricorn moon was the mom’s emotional support and they were held accountable for what their mother felt. baby capricorn moon was put in a stressful and hurtful position from the beginning. baby capricorn moon would easily feel bad and give their mom the benefit-
of the doubt since they understood her hardships and pain. their mother wanted baby capricorn moon to provide help in some way whether it be through working from a young age, taking care of siblings most of the time, or emotionally supporting her when she was sad or upset.
baby capricorn moon felt everything but never got a chance to express it or feel not guilty about what they felt. their emotions were bottled up and they couldn’t do anything about it. everyone just saw them as “strong” and thought they didn’t need help.
people were not sensitive with baby capricorn moon because of how they dealt with what they felt. they were not open or emotionally transparent. they kept things to themselves and just tried to go about their day to help/provide. baby capricorn moon felt alone.
baby capricorn moon has suppressed emotions. baby capricorn moon has picked up their mother’s habits and way of thinking. baby capricorn moon’s doesn’t know how to feel good about anything they do. baby capricorn moon does not possess healthy coping mechanisms.
iii. adolescent/teenage capricorn moon 💫
baby capricorn moon has now grown up. teenage capricorn moon has learned to be their own parent and provider. teenage capricorn moon has experienced poverty or money issues within their family. they understand they cannot depend on everyone and back up plans are important.
teenage capricorn moon has expectations of being alone and that people come and go. secretly they want someone to understand them and show compassion but it seems as though it never works out that way. as a defense mechanism, they work and put work first before other-
things to avoid disappointment. even with that, they find themselves not feeling satisfied with what they do. they have such high expectations of themselves that they feel like things aren’t enough. they’re very much ambitious and see money as something they need to always have.
to people, they come off cold and selfish. they wouldn’t give up getting things done to go out with friends or maybe always be there for them. people forget that this is also because they didn’t get to have much fun when younger and they don’t know how to really allow-
have fun or spend quality time with others. it was always discipline for them and if they took breaks, they were wasting time or behind. they have issues with depending on other people. they fear feeling like they’ve finally have fun and then being let down.
responsibilities is the only thing they know and feel like they can control. they want long term security and relationships. they don’t want things that won’t stick around or will leave them dry after putting in all of their effort. even with their talents, they’d-
try to use it to create a career out of it or get money from it somehow. money is something that will keep them feeling secure or something they can actually depend on. “you only lose money if you don’t work to get it.” teenage capricorn moon is focused on the physical-
after they’re emotional and mental being ignored or not taken into consideration while growing up. they understand emotions and pain making them able to be of great comfort of others but they can sometimes not realize people don’t always want a solution or a way to improve.
they have to learn emotions are meant to just be felt. emotions don’t always need to be rationalized or put into words. teenage capricorn moon still has yet to master just feeling and keeping it at that. teenage capricorn moon is sensitive and needs warmth after all the cold.
teenage capricorn moon can find others projecting their anger and insecurities onto them due to their “tough” surface. it’s somewhat rare to find someone being genuinely kind to them. teenage capricorn moon can be used for their work ethic and just be seen as a worker.
teenage capricorn moon has a hard time to just allow themselves to feel happy or proud of themselves. it’s like feelings of feeling unsatisfied follows from feeling disappointed or genuinely down. teenage capricorn moon needs some “softness” in their life.
iv. young adult/adult capricorn moon 🌿
now that teenage capricorn moon has grown up to adult capricorn moon, they have learned a lot about life. adult capricorn moon is beyond their years and has the ability to each others from their experiences and wisdom. adult capricorn moon is about the money and-
doesn’t play about their peace. they don’t tolerate bs from anyone and just want to succeed, be at peace, and spend time alone. in love, they want someone they can depend on and who can understand them. adult capricorn moon is dependable and is a blessing to those-
they are around (if they possess the developed traits of a capricorn moon). adult capricorn moon may still be struggling with allowing themselves to have breaks but they understand that their happiness is important just like anyone else’s.
they pick up those extra shifts and get what they need to get done. they’re working on themselves and any goals they set for themselves. they’re well with people and business partners but have the urge to be in control of everything.
they need time alone to gather their thoughts and emotions. they’ve been putting in that work so it’s essential for them to rest. they value their time and want to become their best self. they don’t compete with anyone else but only the person they were yesterday.
adult capricorn moon is finding new ways to improve and grow emotionally. they take time to discover themselves and really understand their emotions. they understand that they need to tackle what they ignore or what’s uncomfortable for them to fully reach their potential.
they understand they need to be their own best friend or their own enemy. adult capricorn moon does not force anything that does not want to grow or things that are not for them. they really connect with the depth within. sometimes they can get consumed by their emotions.
it’s up to them how they want to handle it. adult capricorn moon becomes a good mentor for others. people feel as though they can easily trust adult capricorn moon for their consistency and honesty. they make time for the ones they love and show their love for them.
adult capricorn understands that not everyone will understand them but they won’t tolerate their boundaries being overlooked. adult capricorn moon is very hardworking and will make sacrifices to improve in their work. they will take whatever time necessary to create-
better than their last project. they are wise and understanding. they keep their emotions to themselves and only share as much as they want to. adult capricorn only share things they feel will help others or when they need to let go of something or an emotion.
adult capricorn moon only seems good people around them who are patient with them. they understand their emotional needs are just as important as their physical ones. they discover how to cope with their emotions and let things flow. they connect to reach their highest selves.
v. conclusion 👼🏾💫🌿

capricorn moons feel deeply & just need affection and compassion in their lives. they may seem like they have their shit together but that does not mean their true feelings should be overlooked. capricorn moons deserve peace and love after hardships.
famous people with capricorn moons:

frank ocean
any winehouse
nina simone
brad pitt
famous people with capricorn moons:

willow smith
reese witherspoon
johnny depp
famous people with capricorn moons:

jaden smith
emma roberts
billie holiday
kid cudi
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