okay i just remembered this and it lowk made me mad😁😁 so this will be a mini thread of me ranting about my “friend” undermining me in theatre bc she thinks she’s all that :))
so basically i’m only talking abt one instance bc i’m too lazy to remember the rest, but BASICALLY we were both in the same theatre class last year, that’s where we first met. she’s a bigger theatre person than i am, and she’s been doing theatre for longer. but she’s also
a bitch about it lmao,,, like she thinks i’m not good enough or some shit. so basically we have this huge theatre festival for our entire state every year. we’ve got the biggest in the country so it’s pretty cool. and basically you can apply to be on the team that works there
and it’s not really easy to get on the team. the director has to trust u and see fit that u belong on the team. and i was a freshman last year, so i wasn’t really expecting to get on the team. but i tried out anyway. i’m gonna call the girl that this thread is about “ella”
so ella also applied, of course. we talked abt it and everything and i was talking about how i think i did really good at my audition (that’s what the application sorta thing was called) and she said to me “you really think you’re going to get in” and i was like
🧍‍♀️PARDON?? did this bitch just say that to me,,,,, and it wasn’t even like, a genuine question trying to be nice, no she was being a bitch. and she said “well only 2 freshman have ever gone,,” and to that i said “that’s not true but okay.” bc that legit isn’t true lmao
like many freshman have gone, just not as many as the upperclassmen. and in the end i got on the team, but the festival was cancelled bc of covid so i still didn’t get to go, BUT she didn’t get in so that was a lil win.
anyways that was it lmao i don’t wanna make this go forever jwjsjwjd
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