Sagittarius ain’t the blindly optimistic, party animal person y’all love to make them out to be. They also ain’t the lack of awareness or ‘reckless and stupid’ sign most love to make them out to be either. Sagittarius is actually a pretty fun yet wise sign that loves to ignore
their personal problem and distract themselves with other things in order to ignore those problems. They’re not a sign that likes to be uncomfortable or down in the mud, it makes them become emotionally overwhelmed, and they dislike being emotionally overwhelmed since their
emotions are not something they have much of an understanding of knowing. They do not know how to express negative emotions without them going off the deep end, this pushes them to have a more positive outlook in life so they can get things done rather than mope around which is
why you tend to see Sag placements take on a lot of projects, even dropping some of what they just started and taking in a new project. They’re always on the move to keep their mind occupied and goin so they do not have to constantly think about or deal with their personal issues
or problems, which is why Sagittarius take a long time to heal or move on from issues, they always remember things that have hurt them or traumatized them the most and constantly drift or think about it from time to time, even when they forgive, it’s still in the back of their
mind and they try to forget it or act like they don’t remember so it’s easier for them to focus on the next task. Most Sagittarius placements grew up in a home where they were often isolated or felt isolated from others since young, they were often treated differently from those
around them, which caused them to isolate pretty young and just focus/do their own thing, even make them grow up fast in certain aspects, taking away about of that childish nature kids are supposed to have and taking on a more wiser approach in life, though it beats they ass
at times cause they get a bit conflicted and indecisive as they get older and want to have more fun, and do things they probably did not get to do when they were younger due to their environment, which is where the reckless nature comes about...heavily. Which is why they may
get viewed as the life of the party, the funny friend, the loud friend, the one to go to when you need some fun and laughter and that’s the box they end up getting stuck in and have an even harder time being emotionally vocal with people do to not being taken seriously cause they
are always seen as ‘optimistic’ or ‘very happy’ when there’s actually a good amount of Sagittarius struggling with their own personal conflicts and emotions but will put them aside to help you out or they may even dip outta nowhere just to go back to that isolating state to get
themselves together and push back in that optimistic outlook in life to help themselves out of their situation, cause they feel like most will misunderstand and brush off their issues by saying “But you always seem so ‘optimistic’ or ‘happy’.” something along those lines along
“But you’re always laughing or telling jokes! How are you so...” which makes it even harder for Sagittarius to open up, which is why they tend to push their conflicts and emotions in the back and may joke around and just adopt that jokester front. Contrary to belief, a good
amount of Sagittarius are actually introverts but don’t get the chance to be who they really are so they push themselves to adopt extrovert qualities to help people feel more comfortable or okay around them to make it easier for them as well to not have to deal with certain
conflicts or sayings, that may get them aggravated or angry due to misunderstandings and false judgement. Isolation is pretty much home to Sagittarius too, cause that’s where they can be the real them and don’t have to put up a front or push on coping mechanisms for others sake
With that being said, Sagittarius are very aware of shit, they just not aware of your emotions, and how you feeling, which you have to tell them so they can understand. They are not afraid to communicate and point shit out. They are not afraid to be blunt and let you know shit.
However! Sagittarius can see through your bullshit. So if you come to them saying you do not have a problem with them when you do, I promise you, they will fucking know and point that shit out when they hear shit coming out of your mouth from someone close with them and there is
legit evidence that you said shit about them. Sagittarius are far from dumb, they’re not emotionless, they are filled with emotions, they just prefer distracting themselves and keeping their mind busy so they do not feel emotionally overwhelmed or negative emotions, it’ll make
them act out of character and lash out, especially if they’re pushed and extremely pressured, which makes them highly uncomfortable and they will come at your feelings and give you the worst disrespect known to mankind, so mind yourself when dealing with a Sagittarius and pushing
certain buttons you have no right or consent to be pushing, regardless of your status in their life. They will come to you when they come to you. They will share with you what they want to share when they are ready. They will talk about their traumas and conflict when they are
ready to talk to you about it, regardless about whether they feel ready or not cause often times when they are overwhelmed, they make seek a solace or something, maybe even someone to talk about these issues when they become too much so they may blurt it out and often dip out of
embarrassment or wariness for oversharing information beyond their own boundaries and sake. Don’t make fun of them or badger them about it. When they cool down and are ready, they will come back to you, may share more or act like it ain’t ever happened. Just don’t push it.
Sagittarius are best happy when talking about something their passionate about, picking up on more knowledge, talking about different cultures and where they want to travel in life. Things that make them feel free-spirited and have control over their freedom
Sagittarius love, love, love their freedom and space and will give hell to those that try to compromise that, cause their freedom and space is their love language, along with understanding where they’re coming from in certain situations since they are not an easily understood
sign. When they are compromised, they don’t shine as brightly or flow the way they should. Learn to let them come to you when they are ready instead of trying to force them, you’ll make them create a distance and boundary that will make them more untouchable and unachievable
When you let a Sagittarius come to you, open up to you, bond with you and learn to trust you, you’re find yourself in one of the best adventures in your life cause Sagittarius are not a sign that’s boring, each day with one just brings a different type of flavor into your life
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