2/Suga's predecessor, Abe, managed to put Japanese people back to work. COVID will interrupt that success, but only for a short while.
4/Japan has an unproductive, inefficient corporate culture. It's holding back everything else in the economy.

This is what Suga needs to change.
5/The first way to change this corporate culture is to encourage more REMOTE WORK.
7/The second important change is MID-CAREER HIRING.

Employees must flow between companies!!
13/Remote work and mid-career hiring will also help women get promoted.

Remote work will help women balance career and family. Mid-career hiring will enable women to go from the "irregular" to the "regular" job track.
15/In addition to all these reforms, Suga should substantially increase the minimum wage, to prevent inequality from rising, and to make sure every Japanese worker can put food on the table.
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