Okay so I have life updates, which will probably justify my lack of presence on twitter lol...
Last month my doctor took out my sleep medication and that’s why I’ve had insomnia but also my anti anxiety medication makes me super lazy because I barely eat and I’m probably malnourished but before you all worry, listen..
It’s wayyy better than being anxious. Like at least I feel calm and I don’t cry every five seconds because of panic attacks and stuff lol. Anyway, so I spend my time reading a lot and also helping my sister with college
Also my niece lost like a pound because of the flu so I made it my goal to help her get back to her normal weight and so I baked a ton of stuff for everyone and now she’s back to being chunky 🥰
Also sad news: I got these pretty jeans last year and whenever I wear them now it seems like I’m wearing a grown up man’s jeans because I lost a ton of weight because of my anti-anxiety medication and tbh I thought it would be much cooler but I feel so tired 😅
But I get along with my stepmother now (I’ll be honest, it started when she watched man of steel with me and actually got emotional when Jonathan Kent died)
But anyways I love Henry Cavill and I can’t believe he is Superman in real life and he has the audacity to be that attractive. Gonna go to sleep now lol bye
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