Via this book, I am intellectually living and wrestling with Leda Rafanelli - an Italian anarchist and Muslim who coined the term “feminility.” It is for a new book I’m working on about anarchist feminists 
“Leda walked how she talked, and her life was a testimony to how people can live anarchically free, even within the oppressive society and overbearing institutions of fascism. She flagrantly overturned every externally imposed constraint that came her way.”
I’m interested in exploring more how Leda Rafanelli synthesized her ideas on women’s liberation, Islam, and anarchism
And I am also looking at Kurdish anarchist feminists and the revolutionary structures and dynamic they have fought for in northern Syria
In 1906 Japan, anarchist feminist Kanno Sugako: "Rise up, women wake up! As in the struggle workers are engaged in against capitalists to break down the class system,our demands for freedom & equality with men will not be won...if we do not raise our voices, if no blood is shed”
“All these compañeros, however radical they may be in cafes, unions, even (Anarchist) groups, seem to drop their costumes as lovers of female liberation at the doors of their homes,”
- Lola Iturbe, Mujeres Libres, 1935
And this will be a core tenet of my book:

"It is not difficult to see why feminists were attracted to Anarchism and why they were so rightly opposed to male anarchist hypocrisy.”
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