Some media takes on many Victorians reaction to the lockdown suggest we are acting like sheep willing to be controlled. I don’t think many like this. We want to be out. We want to earn an income. We want freedom, but, we also want the vulnerable to enjoy life.
I think it is a bad faith argument to think people are just virtue signalling or are not reflective of the costs. We have been in some form of lockdown for 6 months. It is bloody hard. It is a struggle. It is heartbreaking. We miss the Victoria we knew.
I don’t know the exact reasons why many Victorians are making the sacrifices for the greater good but I know it isn’t because we welcome authoritarianism or a police State.
There are many reasons for me including, the beauty of a single life that can’t be replicated by material things, and the hope that all our little acts of kindness and care for others will get us closer to returning to the Victoria we love.
I share this video of my daughter enjoying a Victorian singer at the foot of the State Library.

Hold your hearts. Be kind. We will get there:
I look forward to returning to these moments with my children and other Victorians.
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