A lot of organizers forget to mention or simply don’t know about the sterilization of disabled people. When discussing ICE, it can’t be overlooked by able people.
TW: sterilization, eugenics, ableism, slurs

Disabled people were and *still are* sterilized.

Chapter 6 of this book is titled:
‘Three generations of imbeciles are enough: The Progressive Era.’
Kim E. Nielsen gives a thorough history of the United States involvement in the sterilization of disabled people.

Over 60% of US states committed this violence on their citizens.
“The Supreme Court decision of Buck v Bell has yet to be overturned.”

We can’t say that this doesn’t happen anymore, because the Supreme Court is still allowing it to continue.
So who’s to say that people aren’t just doing sterilizations in plain sight?

And if there are disabled people speaking out against them, their voices are being silenced.
If you want to learn more about this topic, these are key words/phrases to look up:

Disabled people sterilization
Immigration 19th century
Buck v Bell Supreme Court
I think it’s important to give people things to look up, because a lot of times, we just don’t know where to start!
There are still topics I just don’t know to look up, cause I don’t always know the questions to ask.
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