Abuse mention, Trophan/Trife mention, ///

Unless there is ACTUAL abuse or unfixed toxicity between characters, don’t call a ship abusive. As much as I hate Trophan, and even though its triggering, I can’t say it’s abusive. Trife though is abusive canonly.
It’s fine to call actual abuse ships abusive, and especially call out people if their using that as a trope, but don’t call people’s comfort ships abusive even if it’s triggering for you. Just sb that person.
Abusive and potentially triggering ships, Trife mention // examples of harmful ships (that I know of) : Trophy x Knife, Suitcase x Nickel, Taco x Pickle.

One character out of the two was hurt mentally used and controlled and Knife was even hurt physically.
However, ships like Fireafy, Testmic, and Lightbrush ARENT abusive just because they have a falling out as friends or dislike each other. Having toxic behaviors that are FIXED isn’t abusive. Making mistakes while being ABUSED isn’t abusive.
I’m sorry, I’m just sick of seeing people call ships like that abusive just because of problems. I had a friendship like that, I was hurt, it was, at the time, an abusive relationship. But they changed and they are better. That doesn’t make them abusive now. They’re my friend.
So please, don’t throw around the word abusive. Just tell people who ship it not to interact with you and people to tag it, or remind oomfs that it’s a trigger. If I ever call Trophan abusive, I’m referring to my own projection comics, fanfics, or rps. Not canon.
End of thread.
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