A rambling climate thread no one asked for👇

Anyone else feel the Overton window for climate action needs to be pushed more? There’s lots of comparatively good news about but even many of the most ‘ambitious’ plans are still only ‘ambitious’ from a business as usual POV.

For example, net zero 2050 plans are a massive improvement but still based around the idea there is room for more ghg emissions, an idea underpinned by an acceptance of sacrificing lives & wellbeing of countless people as a trade-off for less disruption to the status quo.

We are already at a dangerous level of warming and we haven’t even reached the ‘safe’ level of 1.5 degrees yet. There is an obligation to fight every avoidable fraction of a degree rise above the present - there is no ‘acceptable’ space for non-essential emissions.

This means a transition needs to be thought of not in decades but in years. Which requires a completely different scale of action to what even ‘ambitious’ businesses as usual scenarios would call for.

For example, viewing decarbonisation as an emergency mobilisation demands recognising all ghg emissions as acts of harm to be minimised rather than a neutral act as long as it’s within an ideological limit.

A justice-driven principle means:

- Immediately halting all new fossil fuel extraction/ infrastructure
- Rationing fossil fuels for essential use while strategically transitioning to net zero with minimal emissions in the process

- Massive transfer of finances from global north to south via climate reparations
- Ending the border regimes walling out climate refugees.
- Continued mobilisation for carbon sequestration and potentially other socially just methods of lowering global temperature.

I probably haven’t really added anything that anyone didn’t know already tbh, this thread just kinda spontaneously came out in response to mixed feelings about current climate polices and I don’t really want to delete it. Ah, well, nevertheless...

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