I can engage in small talk but usually choose not to. Prolly lots of people IRL think I'm unfriendly or rude. Someone in line at the store was just telling me about their dog's illness and surgery. Finally (because I was wondering) I asked, (and not snarkily)
"Why are you telling me this?" She looked kind of butt hurt and said some shit about well I'm sorry I was bothering you. I said, I didn't say that and you didn't answer me. She's like, answer you? Yes, I am curious why you were telling me that? She actually thought a moment.
Then her face appeared a little pained and said, because I'm really worried and I live alone and I don't see many people and I wonder if I am spending a lot of money on her and she'll die anyway. So I said, Do you love her? Oh yes more than anything!
Then I said, then don't beat yourself up. If the worst happens and you lose her- you will probably want to know you did everything you could. And if you feel a little pinch in the budget remember at those times that you made a sacrifice for her and it was worth it.
She smiled (I think- mask) and said, Thank you, that really helps!

No punch line. Just that IMO I turned our encounter into a brief conversation between strangers instead of some small talk about veterinary. Small talk is dumb.

I hope her dog does OK.
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