Thread of my Comfort Songs 😊😊
Funny thing is a lot of these songs, whilst cheer me up, also make me cry just cause they make me really emotional 😂
Hey Jude by The Beatles

I tend to save this comfort song for when things feel really rough
Paul wrote the song to comfort Julian (johns son) when John was going through his divorce

So this is the perfect song for when you need comfort
The strings and coda are v uplifting
Isn’t It A Pity by George Harrison

Similar to Hey Jude in a way that it builds to this long coda of na na nas
However it’s less uplifting and ‘cheer up’ and more ‘hey let’s be sad it’s okay to be sad’

George’s voice is so gentle hear it really helps when I feel down
Ballad Of Sir Frankie Crisp by George Harrison

This song really got me through when a family member died
I think cause the piano and steel pedal is so wholesome and beautiful, plus the lyrics depict the magical home that George lived in so it’s very homely but also magical
Also I want this song to be played at my wedding when I walk down the aisle

And How I Met Your Mother 6x01 and 6x24 is fully responsible for that
At Least It Was Here by The 88

This song and the show Community was there for me when I was at my lowest and it’s upbeatness contrasting with the lyrics, really helped me in realising that good can coexist with bad
As long as you’ve got people
X&Y by Coldplay

The strings and harmonies on this song, wow
Whenever I hear it, my heart just warms and I feel like the song is hugging me
The lyrics are so beautiful and sappy I love it
She’s Leaving Hole by The Beatles

During first year everytime I left home to go back to uni, I’d cry so this song was very fitting
Also the plucked harp in this song and strings and counter melodies
So beautiful and warm and really comforting
Underrated song as hell
Sewn by The Feeling

Aka my favourite song
The piano in this song nostalgic, melancholic and so romantic I just love this song so much and once when I was crying all by myself at a train station, it was really there for me
End of thread 😊😊💖
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