They really forgot Alexsis already in the lineup for opening statements. Here we go. #SouthsideMayoralForum
Candidates look so annoyed with Stoney right now. LOL

He talmbout reimagining public safety with a shrouded task force that’s not open to the public and members that have already resigned. #SouthsideMayoralForum
Gray is shuffling papers for her talking points. All of her statewide policy work is now being introduced. Who knew? #SouthsideMayoralForum
Griffin is reiterating his campaign slogan of “We deserve better.” Has a lot of anecdotes.

Of note, McLean is smirking a lot while Griffin is talking. LOL #SouthsideMayoralForum
McLean is having technical issues. Ohhh man. #SouthsideMayoralForum
Gray is asked what’s the most pressing issue facing Richmond.

Responds with COVID-19 and internet connectivity for students. #SouthsideMayoralForum
Griffin says “peace and order” is a top priority. Sounds Republican-lite to me.

Interestingly, he was all #BLM at the MBL Forum. 🤷🏾‍♀️

McLean says crime and safety as a top priority. Wants to get people back to work, especially for small businesses. Also supports internet connectivity. #SouthsideMayoralForum
Rodgers says there are deep divides among race and class in Richmond. Addresses language justice, immigrant communities and historically Black and brown communities who are left behind. Wants to address racial equity across the board. #SouthsideMayoralForum
Lemme add this: Rodgers points out that we should be increasing green spaces year-round, not just when it’s time to vote for the election. #SouthsideMayoralForum
Stoney focuses on the pandemic and boxing it in. Says it’s about surviving the pandemic so everyone can get back to work and live better. #SouthsideMayoralForum
Question asks about addressing racial inequality. Griffin responds with public education.

Lemme just say - you can go to school, graduate and still be behind in life. Because of inequities in our school system. #SouthsideMayoralForum
I’m Black, have a master’s degree and still face racial discrimination.
McLean talks about reparations and program investments. Housing, education, economic security, etc. She gets it. #SouthsideMayoralForum
Rodgers says she thinks about tax abatements and Black homeownership, multilingual services, inclusive hiring for formerly incarcerated people, and a lack of grocery store in the Southside. Supports #BLM and greater oversight for policing. #SouthsideMayoralForum
Stoney starts with monument removal and takes shot at Gray for not voting to remove them earlier. Highlights record on new schools, the need for universal pre-K and build new housing units for public housing residents. #southsidemayoralforum
Gray uplifts lack of technology for students. Calls out Stoney about meals tax for new schools where we were supposed to get 5, but only got 3. Says was done on backs of restaurant industry which is now unprotected. Promotes the good work of RPD. #SouthsideMayoralForum
Question is about pedestrian safety and traffic calming.

McLean wants roundabouts and speed bumps, wants neighbors to report speeders and a change to one-way streets. #SouthsideMayoralForum
Rodgers uplifts pedestrians, cyclists and folks on scooters, not just people in vehicles. Highlights her Dept. of Transportation that is equitable and not just car-centric. Also, talks about lack of sidewalks. #SouthsideMayoralForum
Stoney talks about $30M investment in road pavements. Clearly, that’s not happening for the woman Rodgers was talking about whose had a pothole in her alley for years. Again, this is car-centric and not multi-modal. #SouthsideMayoralForum
Gray calls out Stoney for excluding her district because she voted against the meals tax. Says it shouldn’t be about “political favoritism.” #SouthsideMayoralForum
Sorry, I missed Griffin’s response. I had to refill my wine glass.
Question is about budget constraints and balancing community needs.

Rodgers talks about state policy experience and listening to the community about what are their priorities. Always centering the experiences of working class people. #SouthsideMayoralForum
Was that a shot at Gray for not voting to take a look at where monies could go for social services in the police budget?
Stoney is talking about “economic mobility” - education, housing, jobs and public transportation.

Somebody pull up his record on this because that’ll show where his priorities have been. (Navy Hill) #SouthsideMayoralForum
Gray is talking about fraud, waste and abuse. I’m having a hard time following her examples here.

I do want to note her buddy in the 8th is known to give gift cards to residents to buy votes. #SouthsideMayoralForum
McLean would redirect funding for community policing. Unfortunately, her connection officially dropped for real this time. Couldn’t get final response.
Now we’re onto gun violence:

Stoney tours banning firearms at City Hall and certain public spaces. Says he is not a fan of guns. Working on police presence in certain areas. #SouthsideMayoralForum
Gray talks about civil unrest and calls out mayor for people walking around with guns outside of schools. She making it sound like it’s the Wild Wild West.

However, I must point out she just voted to ban guns at rallies. Did I get that wrong? #SouthsideMayoralForum
Justin is against defund the police. Says police are being distracted by protestors. Gangs are filling in the gaps because of the distractions. #SouthsideMayoralForum
Also, he just said Stoney only shows up for photo op. Which I agree with.

HOWEVER...the 9/11 stair climb.
Rodgers promotes partnerships with faith leaders, community groups and social workers to help reduce crime with proven programs.

And she counters Griffin! Says we call on them to do too much. Need to reduce the scale and scope to stop over policing. #SouthsideMayoralForum
Now we’re talking about urban heat islands...
Stoney getting lit up from everyone in the last few questions. Whew, Lawd.
This is an easy response but now Griffin is onto budgets and waste.
McLean is talking about wildlife and conservation, including squirrels, eagles, bears and falcons.

I mean...

You know what - I appreciate her talking about urban forest ecosystems.
Rodgers says environmental justice was her first platform released. Will reinstate Urban Forestry Commission and update outdated tree ordinance. Says green spaces has impact on quality of life. Touts endorsement of Sierra Club.
Stoney just said Gray lied on him. Calls out Griffin on being disingenuous.

I see he kept Rodgers’ name out his mouth.
We’re onto closing statements and Stoney is upset. Gray is upset. The body language here is telling. 😬
Oh. My bad. We’re talmbout outdoor space. Griffin didn’t answer the question and I got confused.
Gray says Stoney is spreading “misinformation” about some of the green space he proclaiming he created. Says it was she and her colleagues on council who did that.
NOW we’re onto closing statements.
Griffin keeps talmbout campaigns with staffers as if he gonna be answering his own emails if he’s elected mayor. Who you think manages your office? Staff.
At the beginning of her closing statement, Gray says we don’t need leadership who won’t commit to another four years.
It’s getting petty.

I want y’all to notice who’s rising above it all.

It’s Alexsis Rodgers.
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