#GreenParty #GreenParty2020 #VoteGreen2020

I realize that I'm not a leader in the party, but I had an idea I wanted to pitch - I'm just not sure who to pitch it to. So I'll pitch it to everyone! What I've been thinking about is a "Green Day of Visibility" (or somesuch name).
The idea is simple at it's core. We pick a day - either later this month or the beginning of next month - and we all wear Green. Hawkins/Walker gear if you have it, but if not, anything Green will do!
We all take to social media that day and post. Post pictures in your Green if you're comfortable. Maybe we all change our profile pictures to the same image, even if it's as simple as a Green circle. Post pictures, memes, thoughts.
Share favorite accounts, share candidates running in your area. Pick a celebrity or youtuber to share with, or a friend or family member. Don't try to convince anyone to change their vote - just share why you are voting Green, heartfelt, your core reasons. Tell your story.
Humanize us.

The media and corporate parties want us to be invisible. They are trying to hide the fact that we exist or villainize us. If we want to be visible, it's up to us. Getting it trending would be amazing, but no matter what, the aim is to be seen. We are here.
This will show Greens across the country just how many of us are out there, show them that they are not alone. It's harder to gaslight and intimidate someone who knows they have a Party behind them, and this is a great way to get new and younger members to feel like...
...they/we belong and are a real part of the party. It will help foster connections and build stronger bases for local candidates.
It will help us get to know each other, and if we do it right, it will make some other people across this country look at us and see that we are here, we are here for a reason, and our opinions are valid and deserve representation.

Thank you for your time.
You can follow @AldazarAesSedai.
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