1) I can help! Biden is mentally impaired, being thrust forth in a classic example of elder abuse by a cynical DNC & his family. That party resisted the entire first term of our current president, spied, lied & schemed against him & his administration's agenda, https://twitter.com/StephenKing/status/1303472348386013186
2) ...to effectively block a lot of that he had promised the millions of Americans who had voted for him. They also created a pandemic panic to undermine the nation's jobs & economy, the best in years, that had been delivered by that president. Currently, in service of winning...
3) ...the next election, they are staging, logistically supporting & protecting from authorities rioters across the nation these last 120 days. On the other hand, President Trump has produced the best economy, less unemployment & more jobs in history, reduced our involvement...
4)... in existing wars while not allowing neo-whatevers to rope us into new conflicts, effectively blunted the pandemic by taking action virtually no one else thought he should do (cancelled China flights), brought forth an early confrontation with China (no one else would do)...
5) ...to secure our nation's economy (see jobs & economy above) & security now, while it doesn't require a "hot" war, against all odds & every swamp creature is building a wall to secure our boarder against cartels' drug & human trafficking, rolled back the gains of ISIS ...
6)... from a caliphate with substantial territory to bands of terrorist cells hiding in the shadows, got our NATO allies to pony up 100% more money for their own defense (without loosing one of them) AND is breaking peace treaties out ALL OVER the Middle-East that no one ...
7)...thought possible just 6 months ago. There's more, much more, but I tire & know you, Stephen, with your TDS publicly displayed over 4 years, just can't hear it. Can you? Remind me again... what did your guy, Obama, do in his 8 years? Or give me anything Biden did in 47 yrs.
8) What is it about you "artist" guys? Can't you add up behaviors to consequences, corruption & lies to loss of trust, big government programs to both? Don't you reason, don't you think, do you do anything but "feel" and act out? I don't see evidence you are even capable adults.
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