I remember in 2010 when Kamala was elected AG (I voted for her). My neighbor already worked in AG's office & during our regular talks he'd mention what he thought she would be like should she win. Then we would talk about what kind of boss she was (is). Obviously he could not
Discuss too much in detail, but during talks w/him and two other neighbors - 1 a defense atty & another a prosecutor - they'd discuss law, judges, upcoming cases, & just lawyer speak. I'd mostly listen since, lol, except for when speaking abt her results & her plans for the State
And eventually we got to talking about her running for Pres and we all agreed it would happen. She was positioning herself way back then. Now, go back further to 2004 when she was elected as first Black DA is SF. Because she was from Oakland, East Bay knew of her & celebrated
her victory. Oakland is small so, folk followed her. Now, go back further to her Berkeley days. My cousin when to school w/her & they were friends. She, like me, is the same age as Kamala. So when Kamala was elected DA, my cousin & and I talked about her - that was 2004. Back to
Now & supporting her as running mate to Biden. I am not alone as a longtime follower of Kamala, particularly California folk since she's been a star here for a very long time. I love the fact that she is on the ticket & that the country/world are seeing what we have seen forever
That she is the real deal. I love the online engagement, the podcasts, the extremely knowledgeable Black women who promote her. And her ability to gather WOC and ww followers who are anxious to vote for Biden/Harris. And, like millions, seeing Hillary, Obama, and Michelle back
her means the world - like the Avengers coming together, finally. I love what she means to my daughter. I love what she means to Black boys and men who need to see Black women promoted and protected. And I love what she means to Indians who are too often overlooked in politics
I love what Doug means to Jewish voters. The uniquely American-ness of Kamala is for right now, a once in a generation event, celebration, opportunity. Maybe its my age, but I am enjoying every moment in the moment. I am not afraid of the outcome. These days when stress &
infighting is rampant, I tune it out. Joy thieves are everywhere. I respect the energy but not the wastefullness of losing the moment & of creating negative memories from a candidate who slogan is "Joyful" warrior. Who laughs and causes us to smile and gop to whine. Only 49 days
that we will never get back. Oh, there will be more campaigns, but there will never be the *First BW running on ticket. We will never get this back. We don't just win Nov 4th, we win now by rowing on time, dancing on beat, singing in key, and fighting together, with purpose.
I am not a political expert so you won't see deep analysis in my tweets, but you'll see me RT & QT those smart folk who know data What I am an expert in is knowing when I am in a moment; knowing when to pause & take in; to recognize & store; and when purpose is more important
my own ego. I have a Kamala coffee cup & other stuff. I don't give enough because as much as I love Kamala, I love Teenlet more so. So I promote Kamala when/where I can w/friends/family since voting matters more than anything else. I manage my feed to keep as much pollution off
as I can - for my own mental health. It doesn't mean I don't respect or "like" a follower, it means I need less pollution, more peace. We are close, oh so close, and I will remember this time as one of comraderie, fun memes and gifs, sneakers, cooking, Mommala, Funtie, laughing
And, yes, Khive- in all its iterations.

But mostly I will enjoy our collective effort to redirect America away from its worse impulses.

I hope you join me in this historical journey and I hope we can enjoy our days all the way to and through Nov 4th. End.
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