Bathing in resentment is not advisable for your mental health.

THREAD: Excellent article by @sbkaufman

The victimhood mindset:

- constantly seeking recognition of one’s victimhood
- a sense of moral elitism
- lack of empathy for the pain and suffering of others
- frequently ruminating about past victimization

Consequences of the victimhood mindset:

- perceiving both low-severity offenses (e.g., lack of help) and high-severity offenses (e.g., offensive statement regarding their integrity and personality) as more severe
- anticipating to be hurt in ambiguous situations

- attributing negative intentions and feeling greater intensity/duration of negative emotions following a hurtful event
- greater negative memory bias: more easily recalling offensive/hurtful words and negative emotions
- less willing to forgive/greater desire for revenge

Importantly: experiencing trauma/victimization does not equate with possessing the victimhood mindset. It can develop without experiencing severe trauma/victimization. Vice versa, experiencing severe trauma/victimization doesn’t equate to development of a victimhood mindset.

"Seeing reality as clearly as possible is an essential step to making...change, important to shed the perpetual victimhood mindset for something more productive, constructive, hopeful and amenable to building positive relationships with others."
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