Honestly? Pandemic issues whooping my ass financially & mentally feeling at a breaking point. Trying to hold my own still and not resort to just posting my paypal or cashapp stuff begging for help, or making one of those gofundme things but with this noose feeling tighter
for the sake of my 1 year old may have to eventually swallow some pride just to get him more diapers, but in the meantime trying to find work again to do to make ends meet.

At the end of everyday though still smiling because no matter what I have my faith, and I have this smile
Been hustling doing independent little repair jobs, and small construction projects, but between everyone else getting hit hard, or just knowing I have to do whatever I can for however much I can get?

I find myself working for less than half of what my skills
And time is even worth just to get by.

Apologies for this thread. Just felt mentally volatile & needed someone to listen in some way.

I'm a little too tough to just give up though, but fuck am I tired.
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