The other day, a Sunday morning at 7:43 am, I got great news over email. I told my husband. And then called @raju. Because I knew he’d be excited but also he’d start asking me questions and make me smarter and more measured and strategic instead of satisfied with myself 2/x
He’s been there for me at every career move, negotiation and salary/equity question. And I know he does this for countless women and poc. He’s tireless in his advocacy for us. 3/x
Then there’s journalistic excellence. Working for @raju is HARD. You live for the (rare) praise and (frequent) lessons. Some of those I have so internalized, I fear I might pass off as my own thinking now... 4/x
Ex: Substance over brand. Wear diversity commitment on your sleeve. Know what the guys make. Be willing to walk-you are worth it. Once you fire someone, you never hire the same again. What other way is there but transparency. And always always: “We should help him/her, no?” 5/x
I chuckle as I think of @raju farewell email at WSJ. He attached two graphs. One of peak audience on the website (noon). Another of when most stories pubbed (5pm). Boom! He deserves this award for equating digital with advocacy of audience — and so much more. Congrats!
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