for those of you who don’t know i recovered from covid19 in april

today my heart rate hung out at 140 bpm for hours and now i’m in the ER for possible blood clots

when i tell you this happened out of nowhere, i mean it

& once again ring was my 1st indicator something was up
so the good news is d-dimer shows no clots

bad news is

“this might be how your body fights fevers from now on”

(i barely have a fever, it’s only 100)

so.. resting 140 bpm spikes & 12 ms hrv whenever i get an infection.. could be my new post covid normal

sigh, still in er
was able to come home

they got my bpm and blood pressure back down to near my baselines

hrv is a bit more challenging, lots of variables

left is hrv thursday
right is hrv now
all signs point to: i had my first cold since covid and this is my normal for now


- slight fever of 100
- relaxing
- eating soup
- heart jumps to 140bpm
- sits there
- blood pressure sky rockets
- i have to go to an ER if i can’t bring them down myself

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