Currently engaged in a battle of wills with my cat and not sure I'm going to win. 1/
Every morning I get the cat a fresh bowl of water, which was just perfect for the first three years of his life. About two weeks ago he decides that he also wants fresh water at night, so he starts tipping over the water bowl. 2/
I should note at this point that I have laminate floors that are not 100% water proof. In any event, I believe strongly in not negotiating with terrorists, because that is how you get more terrorism. 3/
So rather than cave to his absurd demands, I started just wiping out the bowl and turning it upside down until the morning, when I would fill it fresh and give it to him as usual. 4/
The lesson that Bill has taken from this is that he needs to tip the water bowl over earlier and earlier every day. So now two things are happening: 1) it's getting to the point that I'm concerned about making sure they have enough access to water... 5/
and 2) the other cat, who is an innocent bystander, is getting punished unjustly. Now I have been told that the thing to do is just to get him one of those things that automatically recycles the water, which I am willing to do just the second he stops turning over the bowl. 6/
Sure, they're cheap and would immediately solve the problem, but not the larger problem of Bill thinking this is his house. Until he pays the mortgage he can get on board. THEN I'll do the much simpler thing that would solve this problem. 7/
If that never happens, I guess I'm gonna have to trade him in for a nice, furry tarantula. 8/
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