This is a seriously bad take — and it’s one that far too many folks in the WoW community (leave alone the wider gaming circle) continue to espouse.
The second clip, where he tries rationalising his sexism, gets even more cringeworthy.
The vods got taken down.

Unfortunately, a friend just shared some even worse Discord screenshots of the same individual defending the clips. Mega Yikes. 
Incidentally, looks like someone *did* save the vods — so they’re all still up.

Sorry <Echo> folks, but this isn’t going to disappear. 
Going to repeat what I said earlier:

1. This isn’t a problem confined to a single guild or a single group or players. It’s a systematic issue that’s interlinked with multiple forms of bigotry and general assholishness that we’ve allowed to pervade gaming for decades.
2. Specific to <Echo>, this is a very bad look for a guild supposedly founded on its members not standing by the culture of sexism that enabled a predator in their last sponsored organisation.
Final thought, assuming there’s no new bombshells: The next time any major organisation (gaming or otherwise) is dealing with the public fallout of having harboured sexism/racism/queerphobia, etc, remember that leadership claims of “Oh we couldn’t have done anything” are bullshit
Oh and: Stop Liking my tweets if you’re an asshole I banned from #Acherus years ago because you wouldn’t stop meming about how “rape is good”, wouldn’t stop harassing women in our IRC channel, and kept stealing our theorycraft for your shitty Legion guides :)
You know who you are
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