So I know science isn't cool anymore but... reduced levels of lithium in the water supply clearly correlate to higher levels of self-harm, suicide, domestic abuse, and other mental health troubles.

It's a naturally occurring element which our water processing plants REMOVE.
Adding lithium /back/ into the water supply might just be an instance of "radical change" which could drastically improve mental health outcomes worldwide.
People fear lithium not because there's any evidence that there's something wrong with the chemical, but because they associate it with bipolar, and because society treats people with bipolar like lepers.
And it's worth noting: Lithium isn't noticeably psychoactive! We /still/ don't know why it actually works so well because its actual effects are so subtle.

What we know, is that when people don't have it, their brains malfunction. But with it, sometimes they're a lot better.
Finally, if you're still on camp "scary chemicals!" --- do some research, and cut magnesium, potassium, and iron out of your diet, then tell me how you feel.

"But those are basic nutrition that's always been in human diets!"

So is lithium.
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