Forced hysterectomies, theft of children, people sacrificed in pandemics, colonial devastation to the environment thus dispossessing and starving people--none of this is new or adequately explained in a Trumpian turn toward fascism.
He is but another manifestation of the core values that prompt these forms of violence, which have been key genocidal tactics of the US for a long time ("genocide" as defined in article II of the UN definition).
One only need to look at what the US has done historically to perceived "savages" both here and overseas to see what they will do to maintain an always white supremacist state. These kind of acts are foundational to US existence, not aberrations.
When (usually white) people imply that we are at some new level of horror, what I hear is that at some level those people had accepted that Indigenous genocide and the torture of other nonwhite populations was an acceptable cost of this inherently genocidal US state...
...but the expansion of those horrors in ways where they actually have to see them, be embarrassed by them, or feels threatening to them personally—that is not an acceptable cost.
Anyone’s surprise or newly found anger tells me that they at some level believed in the myth of US exceptionalism, including the doctrine of progress.
These ideas in any political tone are not only non facts, they enable the very evil so many of you lament. Your speech is telling. Think more carefully about what you are saying and what it indicates about your beliefs.
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