Regarding the reasons I'm upset right now: the department of the state that handles unemployment has come to the conclusion that I don't deserve unemployment benefits anymore.
And that wouldn't be terrible, except that they figured, on September 14th, that I should stop receiving benefits on May 10th, a whole 128 days ago.

I answered everything truthfully so that if they'd deny my benefits, it'd happen sooner rather than later i.e. When I was prepared
So now they figure I owe them the menial sum of just over $10,000 because I'm at fault for the overpayment, from their perspective.

So uh, yeah, great news to wake up to.
I'll try and appeal this, though I doubt much will change, and I'm sure they'll cite the influx in unemployment claims to rationalize not looking at my responses until now. I get it, but also I just can't believe it.
If you want to help me with groceries in the meantime, you're more than welcome to donate to my ko-fi or PayPal dot me. Otherwise, if you know anyone else who's relying upon unemployment in Washington state, just tell them to be wary. If you were laid off, you're probably fine.
I'll probably end up making a gofundme once I have more information, but I haven't received a bill in earnest yet, just a nice little button asking me to fork over ten thousand dollars so I'm waiting to see how often I have to pay into that
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