I didn't watch any horror growing up, so now I'm going back and catching up on pretty much everything. I figured I might as well keep track of what movies i watch and my thoughts here in this thread ~
I want to be clear that there is going to be no hot takes or criticism or anything in this thread, it's mostly just for me to keep track of my thoughts or give/receive recs! If you know a good movie similar to one I mention here feel free to reply and recommend that's the point!!
Starting with Rosemary's Baby (1968).
So so good, obvious why it's a classic. The clothes and set dressing and everything just....chefs kiss. Did not go in the direction I thought it would AT ALL
The Wicker Man (1973)
Another fantastic one for colors, just a strange spontaneity of visuals. Best ending to any movie ever probably
The Devils (1971)
This movie is shocking and stark and freezing cold to watch. The last half I had a constant knot on my stomach but couldn't look away. Devastating
Suspiria (1977)
Every shot in this movie is a work of art. Haunting, especially strong at the beginning. Had a hard time holding my focus after the half way point (perhaps watching the remake first was a bad idea)
Devil's Advocate (1997)
This one was self indulgent. Keanu....I love you
Silver Bullet (1985)
Werewolves don't do much for me (they're still cool just not my *fave*) so the fact that this movie was SO GOOD surprised me. Everett McGill in this movie is transition goals
The Thing (1982)
My first real creature movie đŸ„ș may have fallen in love with this subgenre. The effects in this movie were so good I actually WANTED to look at the creature. Also Kurt Russell in this movie is transition goals
The Color out of Space (2019)
This movie was fun to watch with mason while day drinking and yelling at nic cages character the entire time
The Exorcist (1973)
Don't know why I was under the impression this was one of the "so bad it's good" horror movies but I was pleasantly surprised. Love a movie with a good priest. Terrifying. Won't watch again.
Hereditary (2018)
The build during this movie is incredible. Easily the scariest movie I've ever seen (those last fifteen minutes holy fucking shit). I can definitely see why ppl say this movie is like the pinnacle of 2010s horror
Green Room (2015)
On an A24 kick. This one was also awesome, not supernatural at all, and had a SURPRISING amount of very realistic body horror, it was ~almost too much for me but it *just* hit that sweet spot
(/cont) I watched this right after Scorpio Rising actually which I 100% could see the references and the imagery. Won't do a separate tweet for that movie except this one, there really isn't anything to say about it
I'm thinking of Ending Things (2020)
Netflix recommended this one to me when I was really bored lmao. It was fine, very surreal and impossible to understand. The parents were the best part of the movie by far but they are only in like 30 min :/
(/cont) think manic pixie dream girl trope except it's a psychological horror movie
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