2/ talk about WHY our factories and good jobs got shipped overseas...

SHARE THE BLAME, both Corrupt Dem AND Republicans.

It was Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama that did it.
2 of each.

and Obama?

Said those jobs were NEVER coming back w/o a magic wand. https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/281936-obama-to-trump-what-magic-wand-do-you-have
4/ Then? Talk about how CORRUPT CONGRESS, both parties, votes themselves payraises & worse?

BREAK THE LAW and EXEMPT THEMSELVES from laws they pass to make us peasants obey.

Case in Point?

Obamacare. ILLEGAL WAIVER at taxpayer expense

From The Hill: https://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/healthcare/242140-just-wrong-congress-quietly-takes-obamacare-waiver
5/ give 'em a visual Red v Blue Rock em Sock em!

SHARE the blame, both Rep and Dem. They have been a corrupt UNIPARTY like Cue says, pitting Americans AGAINST each other, in a WWE type fake fight.

and WE pay the price. Weak, and Divided.
6/ Then? #P3dogate. EVERY person, R or L, I've talked to believes it's real, at least on some level. That's a shared value.
Our children's safety from sexual predators is a SHARED AMERICAN value.

Don't mention Biden's creepiness. Believe me. They know. They're embarrassed
7/ another shared value? REASONABLE care of the environment.

Clean air &water. Stress goods made overseas, is done by NON-environmentally friendly nations. Goods made here have regulations to abide by.
8/ and another? a LIVING WAGE and humane working conditions exist HERE not in many other countries. Goods made overseas is done in sweatshops for pennies. Each nation can and should make its OWN clothes, for example, benefitting ALL workers.
9/ and then the ENDLESS WARS in the mideast?

Stress its cuz OIL
We get OUT of Mideast Mayhem IF & only IF we are energy INDEPENDENT.

Don't say Trump's name. JUST SAY for 1st time in 50 years?

We're self-sufficient for energy! THEY KNOW it was Trump and ONLY Trump that did it!
11/ our TROOPS CAN COME HOME from the Endless Wars.

13/ WHY was Bush 41 called "poppy"?
Hint: it didn't mean Daddy.

WHY did Bush 41 want all those GROUND FORCES in the Mideast, incl Afghanistan?

It's NOT rocket science...
16/ so WHY VOTE REPUBLICAN now, if Rep's have been historically corrupt like the Dems in a UNIParty?

Because POTUS has been able to convince MORE Republicans to GIVE UP on the corrupt Swamp lifestyle. the DEMS have stayed in lockstep w their corruption. https://twitter.com/SniggihNire/status/1305972827351384064

WE NEED a non-Corrupt, Republican majority.
To Pass Legislation
To confirm Judges
To operate the departments of Govt.

NO 3rd PARTY can do that!
Senate was the TARGET.
18/ BUT... isn't Trump a RACIST?

ASK: What do actual MINORITIES think?
NOT the white-knighting suburban liberal women?

THERE's HISTORIC African Amer and non-white other minority support for Trump.
Biden? just #youaintblack bigotry https://twitter.com/Rasmussen_Poll/status/1277337193921556480
19/ BUT BUT...What about Trump's disrespect for Women?

Remember the Pu$$y grabbing comment?

FULL DISCLOSURE: I haven't tried this one on a lib yet... just figured it out myself. But?

#FloppyMike https://twitter.com/Bruno062418/status/1293657022357999622
Hasn't Trump mismanaged, killing thousands?

Contrast H1N1 under Obama/Biden
Have empathy.
BOTH are diseases w/Suffering &loss

H1N1 =MORE LETHAL to young people than Covid
60 million cases vs 6 million
EXACT SAME Survival rate, based on population
21/ CDC #'s supporting the meme in 20/.
22/ BUT what about all those Rep's coming out AGAINST Trump?

doesn't that PROVE Trump is corrupt?

HERE's a famous "never-Trumper" group
@ProjectLincoln .

GUESS WHAT! THEY are founded by ...wait for it...
a RUSSIAN holding co. https://twitter.com/Bruno062418/status/1283420602343337985
Hello Comrades!
23/ BUT Trump's tweets are...Mean!

Graciously ask...What tweet did you find offensive?

You'll like get nothing. Avg Libs do not READ his tweets; just what talking heads SAY they say

Claim: BUT they're not "presidential"....
24/ A: Do you want a POTUS who will FIGHT for himself and fight for We the People?
Fight Against corruption?
Against our Enemies?
Against Terror?
Against Lawlessness?
Fight FOR justice?

If someone attacks him,
SHOULD HE NOT respond?

What do YOU do when falsely accused?
25/ and POTUS tweets?

POTUS SETS the AGENDA for the day's talking points!

THINK 2020 version of FDR's Fireside Chats to the American People. In REAL language.

POTUS Tweets ENGAGE ALL AMERICANS in the daily conversation

Isn't that a GOOD thing?
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