The french restaurant I'm eating at is legitimately being shut down right now
Holy shit
Im filming. Health inspector is measuring tables, one of them slightly less than 2 meters. Owners is old French guy, this is the last straw and he's explaining he can't run the restaurant like this anymore. "Who will pay?"

Inspector piece of shit "I'm sure you'll figure it out"
Happening live: my man restaurant owner NOT taking shit... just called for backup. Inspector still here. Mood is tense. I'm furious.
The owner says he can't put up anymore. He's done. He's had enough. He's over 60. He only stays open for the staff that must feed their families.
They don't make them like him anymore. Dying breed. Archetype of the French bistro owner. I've just met him and I can tell he is a Great Man.

My date abruptedly got up and burst at the inspector, absolutely roasted him. I feel a little ashamed she had more balls (super proud). The other 3 elderly clients cheered when she said "you are a nuisance to everyone. You serve no purpose. Get out leave us alone get another job"
One of the other clients said:
"Thank you, only acts of civil disobedience can get us through this"

He was over 70 years old.
We are French among French enjoying our French heritage. Who the fuck are YOU to tell us how to live? Some random fucking soy bureaucrat?

A hill worth dying on 👇 this is what I believe
They are STILL arguing over centimeters
Still going on after 90 minutes
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