If one has never turned a page of fascist history their intuition might tell them avoiding fascist confrontations and letting them back-slap each other is strategically sage

but history says otherwise

The ENTIRE reason that antifascists deny platforms to fascists is because...
...this exact strategy has been tried AND failed (proven disastrous in fact) over and over again

What it does, is embolden and entrench fascist groupuscules who counterintuitively thrive on successful intimidation and/or being ignored

They go on the attack and build on this...
This was true of interwar fascist movements who were IGNORED until they were too strong to counter viably

...and it is also the reason modern antifa had to be created in the post-war fascist surges of the 70s/80s

Non-confrontation was tried first and fascism METASTASIZED...
From the UK to the Netherlands, Norway to Italy, Germany to the US etc..

Antifascists have had to re-invent this wheel and re-learn the mistakes of non-confrontation OVER and OVER

Re-learn that simply documenting their crimes and letting them embarrass themselves does not work
It ALWAYS comes to the realization that fascism is like wildfire...it only cares about expanding, you cannot guilt it or shame it, every ember has to be addressed and put out or else it will rise up and become an inferno

It is more dangerous to ignore fascist rallies
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