So, the more I read people talking about COVID-19 on Twitter, the angrier I get.
It's just talking point after talking point after talking point of the dumbest fucking people on the planet doing whatever they can to make the president look better. And I'm so fucking sick of it.
"From or with?" "From or with?" "From or with?"

Oh my god, shut the fuck up
Then there are these fucking morons who are just regurgitating Trump's fucking stupid "6%" lie.
And I hate it. I hate that I have to share the planet with people this stupid.
These people are too stupid to function in society. Honestly. And it's because of this that we are the one country that can't seem to get our shit together enough to lower these numbers. Americans are so fucking dumb.
And this is why. This is exactly why. Because we have this propaganda machine that's rotted away the brains of the dumbest people on the planet
I want people to stop needlessly dying because of stupidity. I want people to stop getting sick because of stupidity. I want to exist in an actual functioning society, which we do not have.
And then there are these morons, who go, "But there were more H1N1 cases! See! Obama bad!"

And just... H1N1 was more contagious, but less lethal. That's why there were 60 million cases and less than 13,000 deaths.
So much of this could have been avoided, but the smug stupidity of just... so many people... it is enraging. I'm sick of it.
You know how I know that we will never, ever, ever actually address climate change?

Because right now we're living in a world where people are watching as their friends or family members are getting sick and dying, but they're going, "NAH, SEEMS FAKE TO ME!"
And if we can't get people to care about an ongoing crisis, how tf are we supposed to get them to care about something that will only continue to get worse for years to come?
Humanity is fucking doomed because we are fucking stupid.
tl;dr wear a mask, dumbasses
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