Bahrainis represent about .001% of the Arab World's population and .0003% of the Muslim world's population. Emiratis .002% and .0005% respectively.

Oh, and their leaders are unelected.
This is not to say that Bahrainis or Emiratis don't matter but merely as a corrective for those characterizing today's events as some sea change in attitudes in the region. It is a cynical deal between regimes who are more interested in weapons of war than legitimacy.
The last data I saw out of the UAE even suggests strongly that vast majority of Emiratis are opposed to normalization.
This from a poll of Palestinians released yesterday. Asked to describe it in 1 word:

the majority (53%) picked “betrayal,” 17% picked “abandonment” 13% “insult,” 9% “indifference,” 6% “sadness,” only 1% picked words like “satisfaction,” “pride,” & “joy” 
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