Performative Allyship is the modern phenomenon that boosts virtual reputations while destroying social progress.

It has become so common that you or someone you know is likely doing this without even realizing it.

So what is performative allyship? Thread 👇
2/15 Performative Allyship is the act of virtually signaling support towards a social movement with the intention of receiving praise instead of helping the cause or challenging the oppressive system.
3/15 It dilutes social justice and turns solidarity into something fashionable – something that can be shown off and then thrown away when it is no longer trendy.
4/15 What does it look like?

It can be hard to spot, but here are a few clues:

a) Actions that center the ally within the problem and gets them recognized for good will

b) Expressions of outrage or extreme shock at the conditions of marginalized communities
5/15 What does it look like? (cont’d)

c) Putting shame onto others to deflect accountability

d) Overly simple posts that miss the point completely
6/15 The consequence of performative allyship is that while things appear to be changing, in reality, the oppressive conditions stay the same.

It validates people for a performance that is not helpful and often destructive for the cause.
7/15 It allows politicians and powerful institutions to create a façade of being allies without rolling up their sleeves and doing the hard work.
8/15 Think about the revolutionary appearance of our society since George Floyd’s murder and what has actually changed….
9/15 Since May 25th, we have seen police taking a knee, cities painting streets with “Black Lives Matter” and politicians making promises of transformation more than we have seen real policy changes to dismantle oppressive systems.
10/15 We have witnessed companies and organizations making public statements to recognize systemic racism and reaffirm their values of diversity and inclusion, to then back out or do nothing when the attention is no longer on them.
11/15 On social media there was a two-week outburst of allies sharing anti-racist resources and sentiments, who then went back to their regular practice of posting selfies and patio drinks.
12/15 Why? Because these performances made it appear like our world was changing.

That is, until the tragedy of Jacob Blake’s shooting made it clear that police brutality is still ongoing.
13/15 We must reconceptualize society’s understanding of change that steps outside of the virtual realm and into the real world.

Our society is on the verge of an ideological shift, but nothing will change if we continue to perform allyship instead of practicing it.
14/15 How can you be a genuine ally?

Unlearn, learn and educate others

Turn words into action

Decenter yourself and center those impacted

Act with your wallet
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