. @paperghost,
I very rarely do this, but since you've spent all afternoon talking about me, incl mocking me, from behind a block I must ask you publicly to stop. To block someone but then monitor what they say and talk about them at length from behind the block - not a good look.
The others who happily joined in might wish to note this too. I have no problem with robust discussion & disagreements. But this simply isn't on. And can I just add that it truly takes some beating to conclude that my not liking a tweet about a colander had some ulterior meaning.
On a serious note, the assessment of EU citizens facing "Windrush on steroids" is not mine. It is one made during an evidence session in the Home Affairs Committee of the House of Commons. If you talk behind someone's back, at least get the facts straight. http://data.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/committeeevidence.svc/evidencedocument/home-affairs-committee/eu-settlement-scheme/oral/96447.html
Suffice it to conclude that I trust that you will stop watching what I say, stop talking about me, stop mocking me, from behind a block and in any case. I will leave it at that. /end
I want to add one general note for all of Twitter. I remain amazed by what some people think they get to say about others on a public forum. I sometimes get the impression that some people think we cannot see any of this. We can.
PS: I should have noted this for context for the first part of the thread, apologies. I will add this but that's it: there was no recent engagment - the block was already in place and the 'behind the block talking' just happened. I saw it by coincidence due to another reply.
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