Everyday I learn so much from this child God has seen fit to bless me with. Strap in, its story time.

At the end of June my daughter told me she wanted to write a book. I must admit, I listened but I didn’t take her too seriously. I didn’t act on it.
She mentioned it a couple more times then on July 3, she brought her table & a chair close to my work station and simply started to write. She wrote and wrote, only pausing to ask for help spelling the words she wasn’t too familiar with.
By the time she had gotten through with the third chapter, she told me she needed an artist.
Did I mention that she’s FOUR?
Well at this point I had no choice but to act because obviously, she was serious & seemed to have everything planned long before she put pencil to paper. By the time we found an illustrator she was able to rattle off EXACTLY what she wanted each of the pictures to look like.
She has such exacting standards, there were moments I felt sorry for the guy. She had no qualms about asking for revisions to get exactly what she wanted.
He worked on the cover first, she looked at it, shook her head and said “Mummy this isn’t right she isn’t brown enough.”
Took him two other attempts before he delivered a shade of brown that Little Miss was satisfied with.
Coryn came up with the name of the book, the concept for the cover and all the other illustrations. She knew what she wanted the layout of the final product to be.
Homegirl even planned a book launch long before she put the final full stop on book 1. Unfortunately COVID doesn’t seem to be too keen on complying but...

She was soooo happy when she completed it and happier still when she was able to see it on Amazon.
While she was still writing I suggested she use ‘I am’ instead of ‘I’m’ to avoid possibly confusing some of her younger readers, the little girl watched me and politely declared “mummy they will learn just like me, ok?” 😒After that I stayed in my lane and let her do her thing.
This book is all her. She seems to have latched on to writing to help her cope with the changes caused by COVID-19. She hasn’t stopped since she started and if she has her way book two will be on the market before years end.
We’re so proud of her and all she has accomplished. Coryn embodies a resilience that I find surprising for one so young. She’s determined to keep finding the silver lining in every dark cloud.
As bothered as she is by the coronavirus and the way it has upended her life, she said to me that were it not for the coronavirus she probably wouldn’t have already written her first book.
Keep writing Coryn! We love you and will always be here to support you. #BlackGirlMagic
This little girl has taught me that there really is very little standing between you and your dreams if you’re willing to put in the work.

Before book 1 was fully published she started on book 2. This book was supposed to be her fav people & what she likes best about them.
A couple pages in she stopped and started an entirely new book. She has a tendency to wake me at the weirdest hours to have the most random conversations. One morning around 3:30am she woke me up saying she wanted to start a new book.
When I asked why she said “mummy my granny is very old I don’t think she will live very long again. I want to write a book about St Kitts to make her happy.” At this point I’m like 😳
True granny is in her 90s but she’s strong...
So little miss put book 2 on hold and started book 3 which she said will tell all her fav things about St Kitts and Nevis and will make her 96 year old granny ‘extreeeeeemely happy.’ Lol
I’m happy that she found writing, because as a true extrovert she’s been severely affected by the lack of movement and social interaction caused by the pandemic.
She hasn’t stopped writing and has vowed to write forever.

All this to say, as adults we sometimes get so used to doubting ourselves we project this unto the children around us.

Don’t. Let these children dream and give them room to spread their wings and SOAR!
It’s been challenging for us sometimes because Coryn comes up with some elaborate ventures that have us wondering HOW and IF it’s even possible. We tell her there’s nothing she can’t do, so we now have to show that we believe our own teachings by supporting & encouraging her.
If you’ve made it this far, show your support for a 4-year-old with big dreams by following her on Facebook & Instagram https://instagram.com/corynaclarke?igshid=1o793msdfe3p8

We thank you!
You can follow @BaptisteDionne.
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