I really should have done this sooner but I will be pinning this as a thread of my partner's thoughts on One Piece as I show it to them blind.

The only anime they have finished before this are Death Note and Promised Neverland Season 1.

I hope everyone enjoys the ride!
We are halfway through Enies Lobby using One Pace and finished the Monster Chopper episode yesterday.

We watch about 3 One Pace episodes a day.

Their favourite characters so far are Zoro, Usopp, Chopper, Karoo, Chouchou, and Mr. 2 in no particular order.
My @ actually came from my partner misreading "Enies Lobby" during Water 7.

During Water 7, they really wanted Lucci and (to a lesser degree) Kaku to join the crew but ultimately expected Iceburg or Paulie to join. They hate Paulie but was very surprised by the CP9 reveal.
Franky is currently one of their favourite characters but they expect him to stay behind and maybe take over for Iceburg. They're going to be so surprised and I'm so excited to get to that point.

They loved the Robin flashback and are scared that a death may happen soon.
They really didn't like the Usopp vs Luffy fight and really wished they talked it out and I assured them that's how they were meant to feel.

They also really didn't like the Klabautermann reveal because they expected the person who fixed the ship to be a real person.
They actually expected Kaku to join the crew as a replacement for Usopp because of his nose and was very angry about it.
They think a lot of characters have very gross designs to the point of them being scary and it's kinda funny watching them react to a few devil fruits. Here's a few examples.

They dub this the "how will they work in live action" crew.
They really disliked Alabasta and preferred Skypiea. I'm not sure how they're feeling about Enies Lobby overall. They're surprised that it's still as silly as it is. 🤭
Their favourite genre of media is typically thrillers/horrors and they *really* liked Laboon and preferred Skypiea over Alabasta because there was more exploration.

I am sooooooo excited for them to see Thriller Bark.
I kinda never expected them to watch One Piece and kinda have mentioned Imu/Big Mom/Monkey D. Dragon/Blackbeard in the past but they were very surprised that Marshall D. Teach was Blackbeard.
They are very curious about Poneglyphs and the Will of D and was very confused about Gol D. Roger. They expected all of them to be related until Saul showed up.

They loved Saul for leaving the Marines because of how corrupt they are. 🥺
RE: me mentioning characters in the past. I should clarify that I asked them if they remembered any spoilers that I had accidentally given them and the only one that they remembered was Chopper.
This scene confused them so much, it was so funny.

All I said was "yep, now he's small baby"
They really hate Sanji and I already warned them that he's basically canonically transphobic. They said it's really deflating knowing that and find it hard to care for him and it makes them sad that the Strawhats keep him around.
I made sure to warn them that Sanji doesn't really get better either. 😔
They corrected me and said Karoo, Chopper, and Chouchou are all on an equal plane of greatness due to being cute animals. They did say that Chopper can be kinda scary sometimes, though. https://twitter.com/EnbiesLobby/status/1305932626574925824?s=19
Every time Nami gets hit in her mirage form and looks like she's popping or whatever my partner freaks out, it's so funny.
We stopped right before Sanji vs. Jabra today and decided to check out One Piece movie 6 but we watched about 40 minutes of it before my partner started dozing off.

We'll finish it soon!
Plan for tonight is to finish Baron Omatsuri and then watch Sanji vs. Jabra and Zoro vs. Kaku
Holy shit that movie was incredible
My partner seemed to not really care for Diable Jambe and Asura but they were much more engaged with Zoro vs Kaku than most fights simply because of how funny Kaku's bizarre square body attacks are.

Excited because we are getting to Gear Third and Mermaid Kokoro tomorrow!
Todays episodes were pretty slow. The highlights for my partner were Franky freeing Robin and Robin beating up Spandam, Kokoro being an ice fishman, and Luffy using Gear 3rd. Lucci's "flashback" isn't anything special either. I forgot how lame the Buster Call admirals were, too.
Tomorrow will be the end of Luffy vs Lucci and Merry's death, which I know my partner is going to bawl through. They usually want me to warn them before sad scenes happen but I think I'm going to hold back this time and see how they feel since they didn't like the Klabautermann.
Also, call me evil but I'm not going to warn about Ace because of the fakeout when he's saved by Luffy and Mr. 3 🤭
Ok time for lots of updates
My partner wanted to cry during the Going Merry part but thought Merry bringing herself to Enies Lobby was too convenient for them.

Garp and Dragon were a huge surprise for them, but they seemed to be satisfied with both. They referred to Luffy's family as a royal family.
They were so happy to see Coby and Helmeppo and couldn't believe how much they had grown up in the few months since we last saw them. It's crazy thinking about how abusive Garp is when it not only comes to the marines, but even his own grandson. Luffy has a lot of baggage.
They love the Thousand Sunny so far and were really hype about the Mini Merry, but they were even happier to finally see Robin and Usopp back and Franky on the crew. Franky is one of their favourite characters and they wanted to change their pfp to Franky immediately.
They thought Fishman Island was going to be the next arc (LOL PRANKED) but they are now even more excited to go to a "horror" themed island.

Brook blew their mind. They don't expect him to stay around long, though.

They are going to LOSE IT at Laboon and I am soooooo excited.
They expected Usopp's bounty to be way higher and hope Chopper's gets increased soon so he isn't the joke of the group (uh oh!). They seemed very satisfied with the rest of the bounties, though. They are surprisingly into the bounty system.
We stopped right before Nami, Usopp, and Chopper make it to Hogback's mansion. Brook losing his shadow and not appearing in photos doesn't make a lot of sense to them but I think they'll definitely have opinions about Moriah (and definitely Absalom).
My partner is usually scared by spiders but they loved Tararan!

Brook is also becoming one of their favorite overall characters.
I haven't added to this in a while but we are at the climax of Fishman Island! I thought to add this because my partner really did not like Luffy popping out of Megalo. They hate the idea of characters being inside of living things. Crocus living in Laboon bothered them too, lol.
They loooooove Franky so much but can't stand the action scenes. The girl's oversezualization is at its worst. Sanji's transphobia is at it's worst too, he just learned how to fly. WCI can't come soon enough. 😐

They don't like the name "Joyboy." I thought this was interesting.
I honestly don't like how sexualized Shirahoshi is for a 16 year old and I can't stand Nami's bikini. I hate Robin's character design in Part 2, too. She just looks like Boa.

We all miss her tan skin!
They loved the ASL flashback and loved Sabo more than Ace. They couldn't handle Ace's death because it reminded them of a real life event and having to watch Luffy cope with his death but they came out of it loving Jinbe and Sabo! Two big W's for later on!
They hated Amazon Lily but found the Boa Hancock stuff funny sometimes. It was honestly just not a super interesting part of the story. They pointed out Amazon Lily and Kamabakka King being seperate is kinda terfy and I agree.

O-kiku has made me confident about Oda's intentions.
When Impel Down happened we had a long talk about the difference between Okamas, crossdressers, newkamas, and actual trans people and the way Oda harmfully differentiates them or turns them into a joke.

Ivankov and Mr. 2 were hard for them to handle sometimes.
I don't think they ever noticed Inazuma was bigender even though I kinda hyped it up but he was such a minor character. Her devil fruit was actually kinda hard to understand for Alex though because they didn't understand how he could slice the ground and make roads and stuff.
I personally love Inazuma!!! He helped me understand gender identity doesn't need to be fluid!
We've been watching at such a breakneck speed it's been hard for them to keep up with some things. They love Kuma but found it hard to keep up with him when they just got thrown into Part 2 of the story with everyone having all new designs.
Haki was easy for them to understand right away because I helped hint at it by pointing out Zoro's fight with Mr. 1 and Aisa's ability to hear all things would be important.

They loved Rayleigh A LOT perfect Obiwan. The slavery subplot was a surprise. Fuck the Celestial Dragons!
They really liked the Duval twist even if Sanji is their least favourite character in the entire series. They would've preferred if it was a returning character like Bellamy or Don Krieg though. We don't have to wait too much longer for Bellamy!
They didn't notice Luffy knock out Duval's buffalo with Haki but they did notice when he used it on the panther at Amazon Lily. I was proud of them because some of the visual stuff gets lost on them sometimes. The jokes are hard for them to understand if the translation is bad.
I think I can tell that they love that Luffy can just look at people and knock them out. It is admittedly super badass. I don't know how they feel about armament haki yet but they loved this scene with Luffy's observation haki.
They LOVE OP 15 (We Go!!!) but didn't like OP 14 (Fight Together) too much because it was too sad for them. It took us a long time to get through Post-War.

They liked OP 13 (One Day) a lot and cried watching it after Ace died. It's just such a good OP for Marineford.
14 is my fave :x
They loved Whitebeard and almost cried when he died but the whole thing about him having no scars on his back was cheesy especially after Ace's toxic masculinity ended up being his downfall. Alex doesn't like that Luffy sometimes picks up those traits from Ace. Show up Sabo!
They liked the Fisher Tiger and Otohime flashback, slow politics is just not how anyone really expected Part 2 of the story to start after Marineford. They cried at Otohime's death.

They like that Oda took the time to address important themes, though.
They really like saying Hody's name because it's easy for them to remember. They think Vander Decken is super weird.

They pointed out that drugs are a big part of One Piece (rumble ball, energy steroid) and it made me think of Oda's smoking addiction and his health. :(
It really scares me when Oda gets sick and takes breaks. Nobody wants to lose him.
Alex really don't like how low stakes everything is this arc and I agree with that so hard but Oda just wanted to show off their powers.

The naming scheme of "Gyoncorde Plaza" is also so ridiculous LOL.
They cried when the Straw Hats were seperated and loved every scene with Mr. 3 / Buggy and thought Mr. 2 was the best part of Impel Down even if he made them uncomfortable.

I forgot how much they joked about Morrigan's diarrhea. I will forever remember him as diarrhea guy.
The sadist girl in Impel Down was the worst part of that arc, I actually love love love how it's structured otherwise, though. So fun from start to finish with how someone really cool is introduced every episode. It ends with the promise of great shit to come, too.
Blackbeard obtaining Whitebeard's devil fruit really confused them. There's so much shit going on in the show that sometimes I have to sit down and recap it.

It was so hard for them to keep track of where the Noah was going in relation to Fishman Island last episode.
Honestly One Piece is just a mess but we love it for that.

Peak fiction. 😤
Very excited for us to get to Punk Hazard because Post-TS Law is going to be my Animal Crossing Halloween costume lol.

I think that's it for me. I just finished pulling an all nighter and thought updating this thread after such a long time would be fun since it's my pin. Peace!
I maxed out the amount of tweets I could add to the thread but I just remembered a few extra points!

- Sengoku's devil fruit was confusing to them since he just becomes a dude
- They love Kizaru a.k.a Adam Sandler
- They hate Akainu
- They love Pappag and hope he joins the crew.
Alex really likes when they reintroduce CP9 techniques. Luffy using finger pistol with his viper fang attack on Hody was something I never noticed that they did.

I hope Sanji learns Sky Walk in the Netflix version without the transphobia.
They love the theme of Luffy really wanting to protect everything now that he's been training for 2 years otherwise all that time would've gone to waste. They loved all of the 3D2Y stuff except for Sanji. Brook was a standout for them! They love Soul King's music!
They really liked Koby's ACAB/Haki awakening moment.

The Koby and Garp punch were super satisfying for them but they weren't ready for Koby to almost get killed by Akainu AND THEN saved by Shanks. AND THEN Trafalgar Law saves the day too!
I live for Shanks and Buggy interactions.

The tweet talking about how they were the Mordecai and Rigby of the Roger Pirates made me laugh so hard. I love this stupid little problematic series even though I really don't care about pirates otherwise.
I'm finally done with this thread 😭

I'm so sorry Marineford is my favourite arc and I can't stand Fishman Island and I'm not too thrilled for Punk Hazard either. That is where I first caught up in middle school, though!

Going to be tons of nostalgia.
Just reminded myself of the scene where Sanji touches Nami's chest in her own body. 😐

Good night!
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