To enact true change in our government, we need to flip the senate. This will enable dems to push through much needed reforms. Here are several seats we need your help with (we NEED TO FLIP AT LEAST 5 of these) to take back the senate:
1/ Turn Montana BLUE! Montana’s senate race is a TOSS UP! @stevebullockmt is a stalwart climate change advocate. And we need more climate change activists in the senate. Let’s help him out! Donate and volunteer here 
2/ Turn Iowa BLUE! Check out @GreenfieldIowa and kick Ernst out! The race in IA is a TOSS UP! She wants to protect our healthcare and SS – as she says “Those are a hand-up, not a hand-out.” Donate and volunteer
3/ In NC, @CalforNCis looking to unseat Thom Tillis. He will lead on climate change, protect communities from gun violence, and take on corruption in Washington. This is a TOSS UP! Donate and volunteer here 
4/ In Maine, let’s finally kick out “I’m worried” but do-nothing Susan Collins. Check out @SaraGideon. Due to her dedication for working families, Maine Labor Unions switched from Collins and are now backing Gideon! Donate and volunteer here 
5/ In CO, @Hickenlooper is looking to unseat Trump toady Cory Gardner. John has taken on the NRA & invested in wind/solar energy to confront the climate crisis. The race is TIGHTENING up in CO, Volunteer here 
6/ Former astronaut & current gun-control activist Mark Kelly is running to flip AZ from Trump sycophant Martha McSally. Volunteer here: 
7/ Harrison is close to beating Lindsey Graham.

Volunteer and Donate here:
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