Well, I've definitely made my points clear, pointed towards conversations that best showcase those points (Most of which end with my points being ignored) ,articulated them properly and given the majority of the fandom the benefit of the doubt. No one can say I didn't try.
So to summarise, the arguments against me have been:

"You're racist because you said the n-word, and you can't say that because you're white" - Hypocritical identity politics, (I've tried to avoid).

"You can't say it" - Goes against Freedom of speech etc..
"You SHOULDN'T say it" - Fairer argument, haven't said it since. And 'right to be offended' doesn't trump 'right to freedom of speech'. Also "Offence" is subjective. Also "Offence" is an emotional response that the 'offended' should take responsibility for.
"Context doesn't matter" - intentions and context are important, I've stated what mine were and if you continue to ignore them I've got little reason to give you the satisfaction of an engaging discussion.
"This is cultural appropriation" - More identify politics bollox, also can be applied to almost everything we have in today's society.

"Jokes lead to violence" - jokes are not responsible for violence, the people committing violence are responsible for violence
"You should be more compassionate" - Being compassionate doesn't mean be patronising and dishonest about whats right. And given the shit I put up with from a vocal minority of the people I spent 3 years at Uni with, I've little motivation to be compassionate atm
"Its not your place as a white guy to try and re-define the word" - I understand it's difficult to acknowledge that someone whose white can say it in a non-derogatory way, but saying "You can't say X because SKIN COLOUR" (for whatever reason) is in itself, by definition, racist.
I've not exactly heard anything on here that I've not heard of or thought of before, my view on the fandom hasn't even really changed.

You're all great people I wanted to give the benefit of the doubt. and While many of you probably won't want to associate with me at all..
..I ain't going nowhere. Feel free to unfollow me, I don't care about numbers, never have and never will. I would act a lot differently if I was just trying to 'save face'.
But if you've not got the patience to dig a bit deeper, read into everything I've said and understand my perspective because of some preconception you have in your head about me because I'm white, conservative, straight etc.

Then you haven't any leg to stand on when you label me
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