back when i was uneducated and stupid and young, i used to body shame people, but now that i have grown, i just can’t seem to let myself get that low again... even if someone deserves the bullying, i just can’t body shame is just off-limits for me, and it’s so disrespectful.
ik this is twitter, and my TL is basically stan twitter, but the amount of body shaming i see on my feed simply because they have an opinion on a different celebrity is just so fucked up and unnecessary. debate the person about the CELEBRITY, not one’s self-image. it’s so sad.
my favorite artist is beyoncé. if someone goes around saying they hate beyoncé and whatnot, my first instinct is to ask them why, not to be a creepy stalker and go through their page and tear down their looks and confidence. literally someone can call me ugly as shit and i still-
won’t attack their image, because what i’ve learned from attacking anothers image is that it stems from our own insecurities, and projecting my insecurities onto others doesn’t make it better at all. we dont know what people go through on a daily basis and to tear them down even-
more is just terrible, everyone goes through something, and to add-on to their pain is just intolerable. unless they’re racist, then fuck them. every racist looks like a cow and they all suck dick and their moms are toothless and smell like ranch & country club. on another note-
be kind to one another. because you don’t know what people go through. and people struggle with their bodies, because the standard of beauty in society is just so fucking high, and people don’t love their bodies like they should, including me. I am one of the people that hate-
their self-image. depression is real, and people become suicidal over these things. thank you guys for coming to my ted talk, ik this thread will make no noise but oh well.
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