Putin is crying into his vodka watching Trump & Netanyahu absolutely destroy his long-cherished dream of a nuclear Iran dominating the region as a Russian client state.

And morons in the US media still push the fantasy that Trump is a Putin puppet.
Apparently, the Trump is a Putin stooge True Believers™ have no idea what's coming, what with 5 more Arab nations soon to sign peace treaties with Israel and form their OWN COMPETING ALLIANCE to counter Iran - and those who support Iran.

Like these two assholes.
So go ahead.

THRILL me with your hot take about how Putin is pulling Trump's strings, making Trump dance to his tune as Trump....[checks card] helps build a Middle East alliance between Arab League states & Israel.

Because hey, that must be what Putin WANTS, right?
Putin WANTS Iran boxed in and isolated!

Wow, why did we never see this before?!

It's all becoming clearer, especially with Trump thwarting every f**king thing Putin is attempting to do in Easter Europe, with Ukraine!

You people are geniuses!
What a clever guy that Putin is.

I really gotta hand it him!

/sarcasm off

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