Thread - Dail Assault
Thought it might be a good idea after last weekends serious assault on @IzzyKamikaze to document one of the characters that was present in the footage, and his behaviours over the last year or 2. It highlights how dangerous these people have become.
He has 2 visible profiles on FB. On twitter he's had multiple accounts that have been shut down, and currently its believed that @ Tara2201 allegedly is his latest incarnation. It certainly fits with his M.O. He used to be a reasonable, and productive member of society
according to many who knew him from times gone past. He worked for Hotpress, had a wife, family, and a socially responsible existence. In the last few years his behaviours and views have changed significantly from reasonable to spiralling, concerning, and illegal.
The current alleged account he has on twitter is, as you can see, unhinged at best. It appears to have taken a dive off the deep end, and straight down a rabbit hole like many of its angry, violent peers in the various groups he is member of on social media, and on the street.
These include Yellow Vests Ireland, P.A.I.R., and the one that has a real ring to it "ANTIFA COMMIE JUNKIE FREAKS". He also associate's, endorses and identifies with a few well known other characters...
notably Dara O'Flaherty, Andy "Dyson" Heasman and "Juan Kelville". His real partner in crime though is Amanda Gaffney. Who, like him has had many accounts deleted for her abusive tweets, and is another rabbit hole terranaut. But lets stick with him...
His favourite war cry is "Paedo Scum!" and his complaint is that he is regularly doxxed. It's an interesting position considering he loves to doxx people, and has come to the attention of many for his overt, and quite unwanted overtures towards many on social media.
He also enjoys the fantasy position of Minister for Justice when "we take our country back". He has actively campaigned amongst his peers for this, and firmly believes he would be suitable. For what reasons I'm not sure. But he has a tendency to want to interrogate activists,
and particularly female ones, when challenged. This is a recurring theme. His behaviours recently have become more erratic and unreasonable. It's not clear what they are driven by...but it's clear he's dangerous. (Credit: @vmax_14)
The danger itself is his loss of grip on reality and his ability to commit an act that could potentially, seriously harm someone. His call to arms is not the first time he's admitted to this. It is believed he carries either a knife/knives or a steel pole in newspaper regularly
The majority of what he lists are, under Irish law, offensive, and illegal weapons that can cause serious harm in the wrong hands. I think this is driven by his need to impress certain figures of the far right, to be taken seriously, and to show his commitment to the "cause".
He regularly retweets key far right organisers in Ireland as you will see below. However, he is just another pair of feet for them to claim swelled numbers. They know how unhinged he is, and use that to their advantage.
His other fascination is with technology, and those that work within it. Particularly social media companies like @Twitter and @Facebook . He used to regularly threaten people with "Osint scanning". Osint stands for Open Source Intelligence and refers to any info that can be
legally gathered from free, public sources about people or groups. It is commonly used by security tech's to do testing for vulnerabilities. However, he knows nothing of these methodologies. He talks about them as if he is an expert. He's not.
Anyone who is, would not broadcast the threat on twitter or tell people they are going to build a threat model of someones internet activity for a planned cyber attack. The reality is very different...he is in the midst of a continuous episode of verbal abuse,
persecution paranoia, and by the looks of his posts extreme radicalisation via social media. The question is...who is going to step in and put a stop to his behaviours through intervention?

His family don't want to know. His mother is elderly, and may not have the
wherewithal to do so. Is it the case that a legal intervention has to be brought to ensure the safety of others.

If we have learned nothing else, it's that ignoring such people doesn't make it stop. Intervention is required to ensure his, and others safety.
What's important to remember is that he was once a reasonable person, with friends, family, and a sense of perspective. Now he blames all his tragedies on those he doesn't know, he threatens with interrogation, trial by "patriots", and eventual sentencing by a non-NGO government.
He's a person at risk, and is a public risk to others he does not agree with. He could be primed by those who wish to make a statement.
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