There is no talent shortage; people with the skills you're asking for don't want to work for you at the price you're paying with the processes you have.
Don't believe me? Take that "impossible to fill" job ad and add a single line to it:

"Salary $600K, non-negotiable." You will have more applicants than you know what to do with.
You can't afford a $600K salary? Well okay, now we're negotiating. Poll the top 10 employees at your company with a simple question: "What about this place pisses you off the most?" The answers will be illuminating.
Find the employees you loved who quit despite your efforts to retain them. Pay them a few hundred bucks for a phone call to pick their brain. "Look, we're trying to fix things for the future. Why did you REALLY leave?"
I will concede after several angry replies to this thread that there is indeed a talent shortage of "people who are very good at everything except knowing their own market value." They will be hard to hire.
"It would take six months to train someone new up on this system, we're going to hire someone experienced instead" and then the req sits unfilled for nine months. Nice job.
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