So I know people want to hate on mitch so bad, and All-22 isnt up for me so I won’t know for sure, maybe @robertkschmitz can help me out. But is it just me of did Mitch go 5-7 against zone for 71 yards w one throw away on instant pressure bc of PA roll into it and 3-12 Arob force
Note: this is through 3 quarters bc that’s the narrative and I took out his shuffle pass to Arob and screen to monty as that’s not reading a defense. Also Mitch killed two plays which resulted in one chunk pass and one chunk run. Nowhere do I see him reading a defense poorly
So if you all want to pick on mitch, unless maybe @adamjahns has my ability to interpret zone from man way off and how mitch responded, pick a different lane, perhaps better fundamentals on Graham out route, or 20 yard sack. Lot of great throws and progressions w time on Sunday
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