The past few months have been super rough for our family, We are very low income due to COVID19. Like many people, I am facing an eviction very soon. I have until September 26th to pay my landlord $1630. She has already told me that her niece wants to move into my unit so she
has absolutely no incentive to cut me any breaks on this. This means in a matter of days, my children will be homeless!!😣 You cannot imagine just how scared i am! No food, no home , no money. Please do not judge me and if you have anything harsh to say please take the time to
put yourself in this tough situation😣 I have never done anything like this and honestly never really thought I would🥺 Having to much pride can be a great thing and In situations like this a bad thing.
So please help us if you can, everything adds up🥺 I apologize for asking! I know times are hard for many but every little bit helps! Thanks and God bless you all😭❤️ 
Our landlord gave us a 1 month extension but my goal was still not yet met.Please help me spread this.I don't want to be homeless in this pandemic I'll treasure all of you in my heart Thanks for never ending love and support.Any amount counts❤️
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