5 Lessons people learn late in life.

1. Your diet isn't just what you eat.

Your physical diet consists of what you eat.
Your mental diet consists of what you put in your brain.

Your mental diet consists of what you watch & read, who you follow & spend time with.

Remove junk from your mental diet for healthy mind
2. Never let rejection lead to self-rejection.

Many people feel disheartened because they didn't get selected for a job, college, etc.

They even start to doubt their abilities and lose confidence in themselves. This affects other areas of thier life.
It might be the case that you simply were not a good fit for the role.

Just remember one thing,

They didn't reject YOU.
They rejected your APPLICATION/RESUME.
3. Succumbing to peer pressure will make you unhappy.

Society wants you to go to college, score high grades, graduate at 21 and get married at 25 and settle down by 27.

Look at the high achievers in any field. You'll notice that they rarely followed this timeline.
Instead, they CREATED their own timeline and lived their life accordingly.

Decide what you want, study people's lives who have succeeded at the same things and then create your own timeline and start following it.
4. FUN doesn't mean what people usually think.

When we think of 'fun', we usually think of consuming alcohol, drugs and partying all night just to get wasted.

That is just another way to burn your health, money and time.
Real fun is working at what you truly love to do.

Real fun is spending quality time with your family.

Real fun is taking action for creating multiple streams of income so that a couple of years later, you won't have to worry about money ever again.
5. Never be too emotionally attached to a LOT of people.

People in your life resemble one of these three things:

1) Some people are like leaves who only stay with you for a season.

2) Some people are like tree's branches. They will stay with you for long.
But in case of inclement weather and strong winds, they break. That is, they'll leave you.

3) Some people are like the roots of a tree.
Irrespective of seasons and calamities, they'll stay with you forever.
Learn the art of reading people which will help you recognise well beforehand who is a temporary person and who will stay by you forever.

Because emotionally attaching yourself to people of type 1 and 2 will only lead to disappointment.
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