Tdrk's list of observations, gathered while living with bkg and deku as pro heroes:

1. Deku brushes his teeth in the shower (evidence: unnaturally wet toothbrush).

2. Bkg sleeps until noon every sunday.

3. Deku's bedhead is fascinating

4. Bkg watches romcoms but will deny it
5. Natalie portman and keira knightley are different people (source??)

6. Deku and bkg argue a lot (don't panic: the louder, the less serious)

7. Deku cries at documentaries. He cries because the antelope escaped the lion. He cries because the lion doesn't have lunch.
8.  Bkg makes noise directly in proportion to his mood (loud = good, quiet = bad. Take note of this before requesting soba)

9. Bkg does not like soba. Remember to bring up troubled childhood when he says no.

10. Deku does a weird wiggly dance while waiting for the microwave.
11. Deku will fight with Bkg about what to watch, every night, unless it's an All Might movie. Then they will fight about which all might movie.

12. Bkg will get angry if he sees you eat instant ramen three times in a row and will take over the cooking.
13. He only ever makes spicy food.

14. I cannot handle spicy food.

15. Bkg will not stop making spicy food until deku scolds him (I am humiliated but grateful)
16. Metal forks do NOT go in the microwave.

17. When a microwave catches fire you should not freeze it to the countertop because the microwave will stop working.

18. Bkg gets upset when the sprinklers go off.

19. Microwaves are surprisingly expensive.
20. Bkg insists on waking up early on Saturdays to go to the farmers market.

21. Deku sometimes falls into wikipedia vortexes and stays up all night reading. 

22. If Deku is still awake at 6am, bkg will take him to the farmers market instead of waking me.
23. Deku can be tricked into an all-night wikipedia vortex by asking him about sea creatures.

24. Deku cannot be left alone at the farmers market because he will buy the weirdest thing he can find eg meat-flavoured ice cream.

25. Kirishima likes meat-flavoured ice cream (???)
25. Deku leaves clutter around that he will eventually trip over. Bkg usually laughs instead of helping him up.

27. Bkg has a surprisingly nice laugh.

28. They used to watch sesame street together as children. I haven't seen it so we watched it together (I like big bird).
29. They continued watching it after i went to bed. Their shoulders were touching (note: find more tv shows they liked)

30. Some days they make breakfast together and talk. They'll stand close together and whisper if they think I'm still asleep.
31. They gravitate towards each other when they're in the same room.

32. Bkg gets into a very bad mood when deku is hospitalised. Deku cries when bkg is hospitalised.

33. They hold hands under the dinner table (I saw because i dropped my chopstick)
34. They slow dance around the living room when they think I'm not home. Deku likes slow songs (I've added mom's favourite playlist to his spotify)

35. Bkg hates the cold but will play in the snow with deku if he asks (i helped them build a snowman)
36. For some reason they kiss every time it rains (test this with the hose?)

37. They think they're being discrete about moving into the same bedroom but our walls are thin.

38. The things in deku's closet are NOT dog leashes.
39. Bkg bought deku a cactus. Deku loves this cactus and waters it religiously. He has not realised it is made of plastic.

40. Bkg sings to deku very quietly at night when they can't sleep (i overheard when i got up to get water).
41. They say "i love you" every morning before work and it's very nice but they always block the front door so I can't get to my shoes.

42. They get competitive and fight about board games.

43. Knock before entering the bathroom every time. Every. Time.
45. Liquid detergent does NOT go in the dishwasher.

46. Sometimes they just sit on the couch together and admire each other (do not turn on the tv during this time).

47. Apartments with tatami floors are hard to find.

48. Momo is better at reading contracts than i am.
49. Bkg yells very loudly when someone other than him makes deku cry.

50. "I want to give you space as a couple" is not a valid reason for wanting to move out.

51. "I don't want to hear you having sex anymore, please, I can't sleep" is.
52. Housewarming parties are a hassle but deku will insist, don't argue.

53. It's quiet living alone.

54. The tokyo skyline is beautiful at sunset.
55. If deku arrives at your doorstep in tears, wait 20 minutes before swearing vengeance upon bkg. Deku might just be here to give you a wedding invite but got emotional

56. Apparently being a best man means helping with the planning (beach weddings aren't as calm as they look)
57. Bkg looks good in dark green. Deku looks good with flowers in his hair.

58. If you catch the bouquet with your face this might be considered invalid (ask momo?)

59. If people cry after your speech that doesn't mean you did it wrong.
60. After the wedding, the grooms might slip away to the beach. There's no need to worry. They're just slow dancing in the sand again.

61. They think nobody can see them.

62. Everyone can see them.

63. Nobody minds.
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