What makes such attempts even more problematic is the risk that people will be denied needed pain relief, and potentially experience stigma associated with a substance use disorder ( #addiction) or other #psychiatricdisorders. 2/9
The company’s claim is that #ML classifiers trained with gene variants purportedly from brain reward pathways will predict with very high likelihood which patients are likely to become opioid dependent before prescription, to alert the physician. 4/9
We know from many years of psychiatric genetics that while genetics contributes about half of the risk of opioid dependence. And a small number of variants could not capture much of the genetic risk. 5/9
The chosen "brain reward system" SNPs vary in MAF among populations, and machine learning models based on them predict ancestry better than case status, when tested with carefully assessed samples. Random SNPs with similar MAF behave the same. https://bit.ly/2GSjiq6  7/9
The results in fact predict African ancestry, not risk for opioid use disorder. They could potentially exacerbate medical discrimination against minority populations. 8/9
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